TRANSITION CENTER Copeland Soldier Service Center B-309 ETS (254) 287-3513 ETS CHAPTER RETIREMENT OFFICERS DD FORM 214
TRANSITION CENTER Fort Hood Directorate of Human Resources Largest in Army – 628 Separations monthly Transition from Military to Civilian Officer & Enlisted Separations and Retirements Support Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard The first step in separating a Soldier for any reason is to obtain the Soldier’s Military Personnel file. ETS is a routine separation. Since we know the date in advance we create a file using various systems, such as eMILPO, iPERMS, 2xCitizen, etc. This will enable us to have orders ready for the Soldier 90 – 120 days before their ETS date. The Transition Tech reviews all documentation in the file to verify the service of separating personnel, including any reserve, guard, or other service, wartime service, AWOL or bad time, etc. in order to complete a service computation. They also document awards, promotions, etc. Included in the packet is a leave form which approves the start date for the Soldier’s transition leave. ETS soldiers are NOT AUTHORIZED PTDY. This is used to compute what leave days the Soldier will take and if there are any days he will be unable to take, will be paid to the Soldier. This information goes on the DD 214. If the Soldier is processing through our office on the date of their separation or the day before, we will take their ID cards at that time. If the Soldier is taking Transition Leave and the ID card expires on the regular ETS date, we do not collect the card, as it expires once Soldier is no longer authorized to carry it. WE ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO KEEP SOLDIERS PAST THEIR ETS DATE WITHOUT AN OFFICIAL EXTENSION BY HRC. SO MUCH FOR THE NORMAL, ROUTINE.
HOURS OF OPERATION Customer Service Monday thru Friday 0800-1130 and 1230-1500 Separation Briefings (DD214) ETS/Chapter/Med Sep Monday- Friday 0715 HOURS & DATES MAY VARY DEPENDING ON HOLIDAYS 1
LEADERSHIP Chief - Mr. Redwine (287-7695) HR Team Leaders Team Leader - Mr. Johnson (287-9005) Team Leader – Mr. Schultz (287-6401) HR Supervisor – Ms. Joseph (287-3382) Team 4 – Records 618-8885 Officer 287-9664/6099 The first step in separating a Soldier for any reason is to obtain the Soldier’s Military Personnel file. ETS is a routine separation. Since we know the date in advance we create a file using various systems, such as eMILPO, iPERMS, 2xCitizen, etc. This will enable us to have orders ready for the Soldier 90 – 120 days before their ETS date. The Transition Tech reviews all documentation in the file to verify the service of separating personnel, including any reserve, guard, or other service, wartime service, AWOL or bad time, etc. in order to complete a service computation. They also document awards, promotions, etc. Included in the packet is a leave form which approves the start date for the Soldier’s transition leave. ETS soldiers are NOT AUTHORIZED PTDY. This is used to compute what leave days the Soldier will take and if there are any days he will be unable to take, will be paid to the Soldier. This information goes on the DD 214. If the Soldier is processing through our office on the date of their separation or the day before, we will take their ID cards at that time. If the Soldier is taking Transition Leave and the ID card expires on the regular ETS date, we do not collect the card, as it expires once Soldier is no longer authorized to carry it. WE ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO KEEP SOLDIERS PAST THEIR ETS DATE WITHOUT AN OFFICIAL EXTENSION BY HRC. SO MUCH FOR THE NORMAL, ROUTINE.
ETS Query names 90 days out/Review File/Process & Distributes Orders DA Form 31 (must be approved w/control number) Begins clearing process 14 working days prior to start of leave or separation (Admin/Terminal Leave/ETS) Attends DD Form 214 briefing last workday prior to start of Transition Leave or day of ETS Retention changes ETS dates, not Transition Center ETS not authorized PTDY The first step in separating a Soldier for any reason is to obtain the Soldier’s Military Personnel file. ETS is a routine separation. Since we know the date in advance we create a file using various systems, such as eMILPO, iPERMS, 2xCitizen, etc. This will enable us to have orders ready for the Soldier 90 – 120 days before their ETS date. The Transition Tech reviews all documentation in the file to verify the service of separating personnel, including any reserve, guard, or other service, wartime service, AWOL or bad time, etc. in order to complete a service computation. They also document awards, promotions, etc. Included in the packet is a leave form which approves the start date for the Soldier’s transition leave. ETS soldiers are NOT AUTHORIZED PTDY. This is used to compute what leave days the Soldier will take and if there are any days he will be unable to take, will be paid to the Soldier. This information goes on the DD 214. If the Soldier is processing through our office on the date of their separation or the day before, we will take their ID cards at that time. If the Soldier is taking Transition Leave and the ID card expires on the regular ETS date, we do not collect the card, as it expires once Soldier is no longer authorized to carry it. WE ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO KEEP SOLDIERS PAST THEIR ETS DATE WITHOUT AN OFFICIAL EXTENSION BY HRC. SO MUCH FOR THE NORMAL, ROUTINE.
CHAPTERS Commander initiates Chapter actions Start clearing with MFR signed by commander Cdr/1SG can schedule SFL-TAP & physical exam before Chapter approval Submit approved chapter to TC for orders processing Unit CMD, Soldier and/or Escort (if not directed by the approval authority) will determine separation date Goal is to cut orders within 5 to 7 days For Chapter Separations, the procedure is accelerated. Because the Transition Center is limited to just 10 days to process a chapter action, many actions must take place simultaneously and before the Transition Center is ever involved. The commander/1SG should schedule the separation Physical as one of the first steps in processing a chapter separation – even before the chapter is approved. The physical is in two parts. Part II must take place within 7 days of Part I. Escort or designated representative from unit or S-1 takes the approved chapter packet to the Transition Center. The assigned Technician cuts orders for 10 - 14 days later. If the Soldier completes all requirements for final clearance ahead of time, we will cut new orders to get the Soldier out earlier.
CHAPTERS (con’t) Soldiers pay suspended prior to separation date Chapter(s) 9, 10, 13 and 14 must have NCO escort (SGT or above) at all times (III Corps & FH Reg 612-3) Soldier attends DD Form 214 brief on separation date even if they are not cleared Bar from FHTX if Soldier receives Drug Related, and/or Under Other Than Honorable discharge As long as Soldier acknowledges chapter then goes AWOL, finish clearing process!!!! Soldiers must attend a Transition Center Final Briefing before they separate. All Soldiers review their draft DD 214 line by line. They are given an opportunity to correct any mistakes at that time before the final copy is printed. They are again reminded how important this document is and to safeguard it. Chapters 9, 10, 14 and all drug related chapters are issued a letter barring them from the installation except to receive authorized medical care at Darnall Hospital or to appear at the US Magistrate Court, Bldg 5794 under penalty of fine (up to $5,000 or 6 months) imprisonment. At this time the Soldier’s ID card is exchanged for his DD 214. (Since it is a Chapter case, the separation date is earlier than the expiration date on the card.) NO ID Card, NO DD 214. No DD 214= No Final Pay.
ENLISTED RETIREMENTS Retirement Request (9 – 12 months from requested retirement date - signed by COL) All we need is DA Form 4187 & DA Form 31 One-on-one appointment with Technician Retirement Ceremony coordinated w/Retirement Services @ 287-5210 When we receive a request for retirement, we request the record from MPC. The request includes any approved PTDY and Transition Leave the Soldier plans to take. The assigned Technician reviews the application and the file to ensure there is sufficient service to qualify for retirement. If it requires HRC approval, the Technician obtains that approval, then calls the Soldier for an interview. The prospective retiree is counseled on the requirements (Retirement Briefing, RSO, SBP, ACAP, Physical, etc.) The Soldier brings in documents to complete DD 214. These documents can include awards, proof of wartime service, reserve time or old DD 214s, campaign medals, etc. Orders are prepared and given to the prospective retiree so they can start clearing.
PERMISSIVE TDY (PTDY) PTDY is NOT authorized for: PTDY authorized for: ETS Voluntary Separation Unqualified Resignation Chapter 9, 10, 13 & 14 (III Corps Cdr policy is that they are separated in 10 days proceeding chapter approval PTDY authorized for: Retirement Regular (20 days) Involuntary Separation (10 days) Reduction in Force (10 days) RCP & QMP (10 Days) Approving authority Cdr LTC or Higher When we receive a request for retirement, we request the record from MPC. The request includes any approved PTDY and Transition Leave the Soldier plans to take. The assigned Technician reviews the application and the file to ensure there is sufficient service to qualify for retirement. If it requires HRC approval, the Technician obtains that approval, then calls the Soldier for an interview. The prospective retiree is counseled on the requirements (Retirement Briefing, RSO, SBP, ACAP, Physical, etc.) The Soldier brings in documents to complete DD 214. These documents can include awards, proof of wartime service, reserve time or old DD 214s, campaign medals, etc. Orders are prepared and given to the prospective retiree so they can start clearing.
NO SHOW/eMILPO You CANNOT separate Soldiers!!! Still on AAA-162/165? Soldier was supposed to separate? CONTACT Transition Center Still Clearing Did not finish clearing the Installation No-Show for DD Form 214 Don’t automatically DFR Soldiers (chapter only) we can help Don’t sign Unit Clearing Papers until Installation Clearing Papers are completed minus Finance and Processing Control Station .
ISSUES No Show at Transition Point—misses appointment, redo Orders/DD214. Soldiers think process completed once they clear Central Clearance, goes home without DD Form 214 Not enough time to clear. Soldiers get 10 to 14 days to clear. Separate in Absentia (AWOL, jail, etc) Approved ETS/Chapters (Soldier acknowledgment) Appoint NCO (E5 or above) to clear Soldier Transition Center mails DD Form 214 “unavailable for signature” Chapters just by their nature are more labor intensive. The 10 day time limit to separate chapters sometimes causes problems. Chapter Soldiers come with a full set of issues. Some have had disciplinary problems, family problems or other issues that prompted their separation from the military. Therefore, we often encounter soldiers who miss their separation briefings, don’t properly clear, lose their clearance papers, go AWOL, get arrested or incarcerated while they are processing out of the Army.
ISSUES DD Form 93 & SGLV, need updated copies Digital Signature on DD 214 Lost CAC Card Doesn’t remember pin Missing Documents (Not in IPERMS or Chapter) Missing AWOL/DFR/confinement documents Promotions/Reductions Enlistment Contract (AKO, personal copy) Rank - Finance system does not agree with Personnel System For many of these IF THE CHAPTER IS APPROVED, we can continue the separation process in absentia. The commander can appoint an NCO to complete the clearance process and direct that he be separated in absentia. In that case, documents are mailed to the address the Soldier indicated in their personnel file. We also get Soldiers who are returned from DESERTER status. The first thing that must happen is the Soldier must be assessed by onto the system. We can sometimes download copies of pertinent documents to complete the file. The most important one is the enlistment contract, followed by the SF 93 and the SGLV Form plus duty status changes (AWOL to PDY, etc.)
DD Form 214 QUESTIONS? TRANSITION CENTER Customer Service 287-3513