Welcome back to our 20th meeting! March 14th, 2019 RUSA E-Board Updates Welcome back to our 20th meeting! March 14th, 2019
Academic Affairs Committee - Aneesh Deshpande Met with Sifuentes this week Got a contact at Barnes & Noble to reach out to about email booklists UAA is very concerned with the Four Year Graduation Rate Working on strengthening Expos Selection Committee Plan Working with committee to decide selection process No Committee meeting tomorrow! Have a good break Committee Meetings 3-4 PM in the SAC (RUSA Office) Office Hours: Tuesday 9-11 AM Contact: rusa.academicaffairs@gmail.com (908)-510-1252
Athletics ~ Ryan Cassidy Athletics Coordinator Green Bandana Project to start up after Spring Break - Athletics ordering 500 for the teams to distribute Physical Health Event -> Booking College Ave Gym Have a great Spring Break, be safe ! Contact: rmc316@scarletmail.rutgers.edu or (609) 845-7707
Big Ten - Patrick B. Phillips Contact me → big10.rusa@gmail.com
Health & Wellness Committee - Hinita Patel Sponsoring the Resolution to Finance Gender Neutral Restroom Signs Support this awesome bill! CAPS Director Search Committee Do you have any questions you would like me to ask the candidates for the CAPS Director position during the interview? Come see me or email me your questions at healthandwellness.rusa@gmail.com! Bandana Project Will launch after Spring Break Photovoice http://studentaffairs.rutgers.edu/photovoicewellness/
IA Committee - Alex Anderson
Legislative Affairs - Julien Rosenbloom Had a productive planning meeting last night Four new initiatives being planned for 2019-2020 implementation Please fill out Pallone Evaluation form if you went Also put photos in the Google Drive if you have them Committee meetings: Wednesdays @ 8pm in the SAC. Office Hours: Thursdays 1pm-3pm, 6pm-7pm. Contact: rusa.legislativeaffairs1@gmail.com, (908) 323-8971.
Parliamentarian Standing Rules — Updates Internal Affairs Committee Attendance Reminder for RUSA Officers Looking to Review Rules Again in IA Internal Affairs Committee Allocations Documents Review Special Meeting Preparing a Discovery Report The Chair fled the country Alex will be in Europe and may or may not have limited access to email. Reaffirmed Commitment to Tonight’s Resolution — Constitutional Referendum Happy π Day! Einstein’s Birthday! Stephen Hawking’s Date of Death! Galileo's Date of Death!
Public Relations - Emily Kane
Secretary - Ase Awari Update concerning Standing Rules Legislation that was passed Still trying to reach out to Governing Councils My Contact Info: Email: secretary.rusa@gmail.com
Senate Leader
Sexual Violence Education (SVE) Department- Channel Jordan Updates: Meeting w/ End Assault Coalition Working on resolution to denounce the university and how they’ve handled these cases Have a great spring break! Department Meetings: Fridays at 5:00 pm RUSA Office Office Hours: Tuesdays, 3:00-6:00 pm Contact: svedepartment@gmail.com Quote of the Day: “If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive. ” – Audre Lorde
Student Affairs - Jhanvi
Treasurer - Priti Kantesaria :) Happy Pi Day and happy women’s history month, everyone! Working on some cool stuff: Funding a few OAT Grants Private Spaces Initiative Writing a Transitions Binder! HMU if you have questions/concerns at rusa.treasurer1@gmail.com or 732-896-1762!
University Affairs- Dominique Little Contact Information: 908-265-2393 rusauniversityaffairs1@gmail.com Committee Meetings Transportation and Sustainability: Wednesdays @ 12pm Dining and Public Safety: Fridays @ 5pm Happy Women’s History Month #TheFutureisFeminist!
Vice President - Jessica Tuazon Updates: Fill out the DOI, get other people to fill out the DOI, eat pi 40 DOI submissions so far Elections Info Sessions were fairly successful as compared to previous years Senators’ Forum will be on March 27th, more details to come! Have a happy and safe Spring Break <3 My Contact Info: Email: vicepresident.rusa@gmail.com or rusa.elections@gmail.com Phone #: 908-448-6639
President’s Update!