Unit 7 JOBS ( 3 ).


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 7 JOBS ( 3 )

She likes teaching children. She is a teacher. She works at a school. She teaches children. She likes teaching children.

He is a student. He studies at a school. He learns lessons. He likes learning lessons.

She is a doctor. She works at a hospital. She helps people. She likes helping people.

He is a dentist. He works at a hospital. He helps people. He likes helping people.

He likes helping animals. He is a vet. He works at a veterinary clinic. He helps animals. He likes helping animals.

She likes helping people. She is a nurse. She works at a hospital. She helps people. She likes helping people.

He is a postman. He works at a post office. He brings letters. He likes bringing letters.

He likes putting out fires. He is a fireman. He works at a fire station. He puts out fires. He likes putting out fires.

He likes helping people. He is a policeman. He works at a police station. He helps people. He likes helping people.

She likes helping people. She is a policewoman. She works at a police station. She helps people. She likes helping people.

She is a dancer. She dances. She likes dancing. She works at a dance studio. She dances. She likes dancing.

She is an actress. She works at a theatre. She acts. She likes acting.

He is an actor. He works at a theatre. He acts. He likes acting.

He is a singer. He sings songs. He likes singing songs. He works at a concert hall. He works at a music hall. He sings songs. He likes singing songs.

He is a farmer. He works on a farm. He plants vegetables. He likes planting vegetables.

He is a chef. He cooks food. He likes cooking food. He works at a restaurant. He cooks food. He likes cooking food.

He is a waiter. He serves food. He likes serving food. He works at a restaurant. He serves food. He likes serving food.

He is a pilot. He works at an airport. He flies planes. He likes flying planes.

He is a writer. He works at home. He writes books. He likes writing books.