CATEGORIES OF IMPORT GARGO FOR AFGHANISTAN TRANSIT TRADE INTRODUCTION As per Afghan Transi Trade (A.T.T) agreement between Pakistan and Afghanistan, any cargo coming into Pakistan – Karachi ( being the seaports of Pakistan ) it can be transported from Pakistan to Afghanistan. After completion of documentation / customs formalities at Karachi it can be forwarded to the Afghan border, either via Chaman or Peshawar (check post). Thereafter it is further loaded on private vehicles and transported to the respective destination in Afghanistan. Afghan Cargo has been categorized into three categories : Commercial Cargo Non-commercial Cargo / NGOs / ISAF U.S.Aid / Army
COMMERCIAL CARGO: Commercial cargo can only be booked either by rail or NLC, ( National Logistic Cell ) Cargo booked on NLC is delivered directly by NLC to the respective destination in Afghanistan, where as cargo booked on railway wagon goes to Peshawar and further loaded on private vehicles and transported up-to final destination. CATEGORIES OF NON-COMMERCIAL CARGO: ISAF CARGO (International Security of Alliance Forces) This cargo is transported by private vehicle after obtaining NOC from N.L.C., along with an escort, these containers do not get unsealed at Karachi port for custom examination. RELIEF GOODS Relief good for re-construction of Afghanistan could be transported in bonded train and trucks. DIPLOMATIC GOODS Diplomatic goods are transported by train and trucks both, Embassy of a particular country in Pakistan issues a NOC in the name of customs for clearance of goods.
DOCUMENTATION FOR ALL TYPE OF CARGO FOR AFGHAN TRANSIT COMMERCIAL CARGO Original Master Bill of Lading Original House Bill of Lading Commercial Invoice Packing List Original Jawaznama. (Jawaznama) is an import license…if consignee is importing cargo for the first time original Jawaznama is required for custom purpose, and on regular import basis, copy of the same is sufficient. NON COMMERCIAL CARGO U.S.AID / ARMY / DIPLOMATIC GOODS Original Master Bill Of Lading Original House Bill of Lading Commercial Invoice Packing List Exemption Certificate from the consignee.
UNLOADING AT AFGHANISTAN Normally De-stuffing / Un-loading is arranged by the consignee in Afghanistan. But same can be arranged by Combined Freight if required by the consignee. SHIPPING LINE POLICY Respective shipping lines charge different security against per 20 AND 4040hc Normally shipping lines allow 7 days free time at destination, whereas in normal situation a round transit trip requires maximum 21 days, therefore free time of 25 days should be negotiated at Port of Loading (POL) in order to avoid detention. OUTSIZE CARGO There are various mountains / tunnels in transit between Pakistan border and Afghanistan inland through which the cargo moves. Any cargo which is over size and cannot pass through the tunnels easily, called over size cargo, therefore before shipping it is necessary to provide dimension and details of the cargo. INSURANCE Cargo insurance liability is purely on consignee or shippers account. We arrange all insurance matters if required.
Security Reasons x x OPEN PAKISTAN
Afghanistan is divided into 34 provinces. Below is a list of all the provinces and their capitals 01) Badakhshan - (Faizabad) 02) Badghis -- (Qaleh-ye Now) 03) Baghlan -- (Pol-e Khomri ) 04) Balkh - (Mazar - e - Shariff ) 05) Bamian -- (Bamian) 06) Daikondi -- (Nili) 07) Farah - (Farah) 08) Faryab -- (Maymana) 09) Ghazni -- (Ghazni) 10) Ghowr - (Chaghcharan) 11) Helmand -- (Lashkar Gah) 12) Herat -- (Herat) 13) Jowzjan - (Sheberghan) 14) Kabul -- (Kabul) 15) Kandahar -- (Kandahar) 16) Kapisa - (Mahmud-e-Raqi) 17) Khost (Khost) 18) Konar -- (Asadabad) 19) Kunduz -- (Kunduz) 20) Laghman -- (Mehtar Lam) 21) Lowgar -- (Pol-e Alam) 22) Nangarhar -- (Jalalabad) 23) Nimruz -- (Zaranj) 24) Nuristan -- (Nuristan) 25) Panjshir -- (Bazarak) 26) Paktia -- (Gardez) 27) Paktika -- (Sharan) 28) Parwan -- (Charikar) 29) Samangan -- (Aybak) 30) Sar-i Pol -- (Sar-i Pol) 31) Takhar -- (Taloqan) 32) Uruzgan -- (Tarin Kowt) 33) Wardak -- (Meydan Shahr) 34) Zabol -- (Qalat)
Transportation Services within Pakistan & Afghanistan
Kabul International Airport. Mazar Sharif Airport.(Domestic) Ghazni Airport.(Domestic) Herat Airport.(Domestic) Kandhar Airport.(Domestic) SEA PORTS >>>>>>>>>>> Via Karachi Port / PAKISTAN OR Via Bandar Abbas Port / IRAN AIR PORTS
COMMERCIAL CARGO : Private Organizations. Non - Govt. Organizations. Commercial Importers. :NON-COMMERCIAL / DIPLOMATIC CARGO : U.S Army. Nato Gorces. U.N Organizations. Afghan Govt. Foreign Missions. (Embassy + Consulate) N. G. Os. ISAF TYPES OF CARGO
CLIENTS COMMERCIAL CORPORATE CLIENTS : Clear Water – Kabul. Go Construction Co.Ltd – Kabul. Beratheran – e – Safi. NON – COMMERCIAL / DIPLOMATIC CLIENTS : U.N.D.P. U.S – Army. Spanish Troops. Nato Forces U.N.O. ES – KO. ISAF. German Consulate.
AREAS UNDER U.S - ARMY CONTROL Kabul City. Jalal Abad. Baghram. Mazar Sharif.. Upper Region Of Afghan. RISKY AREAS / SECURITY PROBLEMS Herat. Kandhar. Ghazni.. Lower Region Of Afghan.
TERMS & CONDITIONS For COC containers shipping line security will be on shippers account & is refundable at the arrival of MT containers & pass into the line terminal. 75% payment will be in advance of the total freight & balance 25% upon receiving of R.O.D. Free detention times at consignee yard will be 48 hrs & 24hrs at border, after completion of this hrs consignee is liable to pay $75 to transporter per vehicle per day. If any demurrages / detention occur due to delay in documents POL, Combined Freight (Pvt) Limited will not be liable to pay the same. Under normal circumstances round transit trip takes about 15 to 20 days…..therefore free time of 25 days should be negotiated at the port of loading in order to avoid demurrages / detention.