Inter-RPO 2002 Fire Emissions Inventory Inter-RPO Fire and Smoke Technical and Policy Coordination Meeting February 9-10, 2005 – Round Rock, TX Dave Randall (303.988.2960 x221; Air Sciences Inc. ( 1301 Washington Ave, Suite 200 Golden, CO 80401
Project Status Project Team of EC/R and Air Sciences Inc. Draft Workplan out to review committee on Jan 26, 2005 Comments due Feb 11, 2005 Final Workplan and Project Execution Inter-RPO Mtg, Austin, TX WRAP 2002 Fire EI
Workplan Content - Highlights Activity data gathering Focused on centralized data sources (RPO’s, federal data sources) Also decentralized data collection efforts (focused on areas where centralized data are lacking) Inventory structure and data refinement Used most refined data when available and augment with less refined data when nec. More efforts to gather & use refined data for larger fires closer to Class I areas Inter-RPO Mtg, Austin, TX WRAP 2002 Fire EI
Workplan Content - Highlights Quality control (QC) methods GIS routines (location, timing, event names) Complex fire checks Data Augmentation Multi-day events distributed to daily events using spreading oval routines Other data improvements to increase number of valid data records (date, location). Inter-RPO Mtg, Austin, TX WRAP 2002 Fire EI
Workplan Content - Highlights Emission calculation Identification of RPO-specific methods Identify and maintain/rectify different methods Priority for national consistency? Implement fuel loading data hierarchy Propose Strawman approach to review and refine Inter-RPO Mtg, Austin, TX WRAP 2002 Fire EI
Workplan Content - Highlights Emission calculation Fuel consumption Fire Emission Production Simulator (FEPS) run in batch mode across fuel models and moisture classes to build lookup table: Consumption Emission factor Smoldering fraction Moisture class (day and location specific) assigned to each event from Wildland Fire Assessment System data Inter-RPO Mtg, Austin, TX WRAP 2002 Fire EI
Workplan Content - Highlights Other event characteristics Hourly emissions profile RPO specific FEPS algorithm Plume characteristics Hard-wired (ala WRAP and others) Consideration of FEPS algorithm and Smoke Input Spreadsheet (SIS) Inter-RPO Mtg, Austin, TX WRAP 2002 Fire EI
Workplan Content - Highlights Output Formats National Emission Inventory NIF3 Project documentation Inter-RPO Mtg, Austin, TX WRAP 2002 Fire EI
Next Steps Revision of Workplan based on RPO review. Series of Strawman documents to evaluate and refine technical methods Decentralized data collection Implementation of technical procedures Development of EI Deliverables (data files and documentation) Inter-RPO Mtg, Austin, TX WRAP 2002 Fire EI