Ms. Borges Mater Academy Elementary School December 13, 2017– Room 210 FSA Parent Night Ms. Borges Mater Academy Elementary School December 13, 2017– Room 210
Florida Standards Assessment What is the “The FSA”? Florida Standards Assessment A test that was designed to serve Florida students by measuring education gains and progress. Information from the assessment is used to drive student instruction.
What is the “The FSA”. How will the FSA affect my child What is the “The FSA”? How will the FSA affect my child? 4th grade Promotion Must receive a Level 2 (or higher to pass) Pass the FSA Administered during the 3rd semester All 3rd grade students will complete portfolio Administered in a span of several weeks. Student must demonstrate mastery of each benchmark Portfolio Administered the last 2 weeks of school Participants: Students scoring a Level 1 on the FSA Students without a passing reading portfolio ASRA If a student does not show mastery of third grade content, as demonstrated by scoring a level 2 on the Reading FSA in Third Grade, the student will be retained.
Which test will my child take? How long is the FSA? English Language Arts and Listening 2 Test Days 2 Test Sessions 80 minutes each session Session 1: 28 items Session 2: 31 items Mathematics Session 1: 32 items Four total test days. Recommend that students are here ON TIME each test day. Make up days are available, but students will be testing in an unknown setting, with an unknown proctor. Tests are broken up into two sessions each and are TIMED. Unless the student is ESOL levels 1-4) in which they will have extended time. Other students may receive accommodations on a case by case basis. Testing Window ELA Math April 9-13, 2018 April 16- May 11,2018
FSA English Language Arts ( ELA) Test Break Down Paper based Test 15-25% Key Ideas and Details Language and Editing 20-30% Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 25-35% Craft and Structure Please refer to Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS) Grade 3 PDF on my webpage under FSA for more information.
FSA Mathematics Test Break Down Computer Based Test ( CBT) 17% Fractions 35% Measurement, Data, and Geometry 48% Operation, Algebraic Thinking, and Numbers in Base 10 Please refer to Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS) Grade 3 PDF on my webpage under FSA for more information.
Question Type Handout for more information. Test Question Types There are six different question types on the FSA: Multiple Choice Multi-Select: More than one answer should be chosen. Two part questions: two questions pertaining to the same topic. Open Response: 1-3 sentences (Just enough to answer the question and support it from the text) Hot Text: highlights the sentence Graphics: interacting with the text Please refer to Question Type Handout for more information.
Example of an ELA: Multi-Select Question
Example of the FSA-ELA: Part A and Part B
Examples of the FSA-ELA Hot Text Question Part A How does the main character, Eddie, feel in the paragraph below? “Juice should be orange, purple, or red” Mary said. “It’s definitely not supposed to be green!” He knew his sister might have to be coaxed into trying the new drink. “This will be something new” Eddie told her. “It’s fun to try new things”. angry Adventurous Confused Frustrated Part B Which sentences show this feeling? (Hot Text) Juice should be orange, purple, or red” Mary said. “It’s definitely not supposed to be green!” Hi knew his sister might have to be coaxed into trying the new drink. “This will be something new Eddie told her. “It’s fun to try new things”.
Examples of the FSA Math Questions
Examples of the FSA Math Questions Tom planted 5 rows of flowers with 7 flowers in each row. Write a multiplication equation that shows the number of flowers in Tom’s rectangular shaped garden? (Equation Response) Tom told Mary he planted 48 flowers in the rectangular- shaped garden. Select the correct sentence Mary could use to describe how the flowers were planted? (Multiple Choice Response)
Florida Standard Assessment Portal
What are we doing to help your child? Weekly lab time to complete I-Ready, Reading Plus, and Reflex Math Differentiated Instruction Modeling and sharing activities to practice the skills and question types on the test. FSA Tutoring Program FSA Bootcamp -i-Ready is a program that we have been using this school year to help bridge the gap in foundational skills in math and reading -In class interventions that include: differentiated instruction – small groups and WonderWorks -Students have a lot of modeling, and sharing activities – such as task cards to practice the skills and tests we have created to familiarize students with question types --FSA Tutoring program-Reading and Math -Morning Tutoring computer lab time (extra math practice
What can I DO at home? Use Technology ( I- Ready and Reflex) Read together EVERY night. Use FSA Task Cards. Ask you child questions. Make sure your child is using TEXT EVIDENCE. Review multiplication and division tables. Review your child’s homework. -Reading and comprehension questions can be in English OR Spanish. Use technology to help reinforce skills being taught in the classroom. Make sure that they are completing their ReadingPlus sessions! Studies show that students who complete 40 SeeReader sessions of ReadingPlus at a Level C (grade level) will be successful on the FSA. Read with your child EVERY night, at least 20-30 min. Read different types of books and informational text with your child. Use the FSA Task cards to ask them questions about what is being read. Ask your child questions about what he or she is learning in class. Ask your child to find answers to questions in the text of books, newspaper articles, manuals, etc. Make sure you child is going back into the text to answer reading comprehension questions. Review the TIMES TABLES and DIVISION TABLES daily. You can practice in the car, at breakfast, at the store.
Important Tips Make sure your child gets enough sleep the night before . Eat a normal breakfast. Give words of encouragement Arrive at school early.
Thank you for coming to FSA Night Questions? Visit the class website for additional information and resources. Email me at Schedule a Conference