Kindergarten Parent Meeting Hanover-Horton Schools
Alphabet Chart At round up you will be given a bag filled with some activities to try at home. The first is an alphabet One way to use this chart is to sing the ABC song and point to the letters. Talk about the pictures on the chart. You will be given foam letters in upper case and lower case. Match the letters to the alphabet chart.
Match upper case and lower case letters Spell out your child’s name Spell out mom or dad
Free Book! Activity Calendar Activity calendar- have ideas for an activity with your child Free book Point to the words as you read- read it again and again- just like watching that same episode of Paw Patrol over and over at this age kids prefer to have the same book read again and again. This is because it is predictable. They like to know the ending. While we are talking about tv episodes, consider using the “closed Caption” feature. Reading is memorizing words ask your child to watch a show with the words at the bottom. Activity Calendar
Blank book- possibilities are endless ABC book Stories Scissors, glue and crayons Give magazines to cut up or just colored paper
10 Frame 10 + 10 = 20 Counting chips- reversible for 2 colors Start counting on board 1- 2 -3 2 +2 = 4 This is not something to try this week before round up. These are items that will help support your family all year long.
2 + 2 = 4 Add 2 numbers using colored chips
5 + 2 = 7 6 + 2 = 8
Counting Children need to know how to count to 100 by 1’s and 10’s Count items at dinner time Count chocolate chips, pennies, buttons, legos
Short video demonstrating letter tracing Letter Tracing
Graph for letter tracing Progress of Students Who Knew Fewer Than 40 Letters Total Students in K Total Students knowing less than 40 letters 4 weeks later 8 weeks later 62 40 (65%) 25 (40%) 4 (6%) This graph shows you that 62 K students started in the fall. These are not our students. We will be testing our students in the fall and starting tracing. 65% of them knew less than 40 letters. You might say there are only 26 letters- that includes upper case and lower case letters After 4 weeks 40% of them didn’t know their letters after 8 weeks only 6% didn’t know more than 40 letters.
Sight Words a and away big blue can come down find for funny go help here I in it is It Jump Little Look Make Me my not one play red run said see the three to two up we where yellow you I have given you the beginning list of sightwords. If you go to my webpage you can look ahead for the next 3 years.
Folder – you take home tonight Alphabet Chart Individual Letters For tracing Chart to 100 We have covered a lot tonight. Go over packet- don’t try it all- over achieving parents run home and turn the corner of your living room into a school. I strongly believe that it takes a great partnership between a school and parent to raise a child. These are the tools we are going to be teaching them. If you practice at home as well, we can work faster. Literacy ideas 100 chart Sight words Alphabet chart Letters I am going to share a few tips that have never been shared before. When children start handwriting, the letters are started at the top. Here is a quick video to show you what it will look like. You should correct your child and ask them to trace the letters starting at the top.
Kindergarten vs. Young 5 Young 5's is best for my child if... Is still learning how to correctly grasp a pencil Needs help recognizing their name Doesn't know most of their letters and sounds Cannot identify and write numbers to 10 Has difficulty following 1 or 2 step directions Is still 4 years old Is working on self-help skills (clothes, shoes, etc. Low maturity level Kindergarten is best for my child if… Can grasp a pencil correctly Can recognize their own name Can write their first and last name by memory Knows most letters and sounds Can identify and write numbers to 10 Can sort objects to 10 Must be able to work independently Is able to work cooperatively with peers Don’t read aloud
What will my child learn in Y5’s vs Kindergarten Young 5's my child will learn... Will have a slower approach to learning Learn all the letters and sounds Fine motor skill development To identify and write numbers to 10 Introduction to kindergarten sight words How to write simple sentences How to work independently and cooperatively with their peers Kindergarten my child will learn... Can write words other than their name How to write two complete sentences using sight words, punctuation and capital letters. Read grade level texts independently (DRA level 4) Will learn 45 sight words Identify and write numbers to 20 by memory Fluently add and subtract to 5 Can count to 100 by 1's and 10's