FBAE-L01N01P01=Common Name of Diagram The next part of the code in green, ie ’L01N01’ it is itself in two parts. The first part, the ‘L01’, indicates the level within the Node Tree diagram. The second part, ‘N01’, indicates the position of the parent node (counting from left to right) of this Node. The first section of the code (in blue) is used to indicate the Level 0 and or level 1 function to which this diagram belongs. In this case ‘F’ for Finance, ‘B’ for Budgeting and ‘AE’ indicates it is for ‘Additional Estimates’ If the diagram is an OV- 6 and is a child of a single OV- 5 node, then the prefix ‘Pnn’ (shown here in red) it added. If it is not an OV-6 diagram then this prefix is not used. FBAE-L01N01P01=Common Name of Diagram Function and Process Naming Convention Based on OV5 Node Tree Structures The – (dash) and the = (equals) signs are used to separate the parts of the code. Using these symbols in the label allows you to parse the diagram name for sorting and grouping when reporting or doing analysis of diagrams in Excel. The – (dash) and the = (equals) signs are used to separate the parts of the code. Using these symbols in the label allows you to parse the diagram name for sorting and grouping when exported to Excel. By James Sheridan, Revised Feb 06