I Hear the Savior Calling


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Presentation transcript:

I Hear the Savior Calling A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Christian Worship’ Edition Hymn #560 I Hear the Savior Calling Text: John C. Lawrenz, b. 1943 ANTHES Tune: Friedrich K. Anthes, 1812-after 1857 PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler www.LutheranMusic.com

#560 - I Hear the Savior Calling [1] I **** *** ****** calling! The ****** ***** ** me. My **** **** ****** ** blindness Are ****** *** ** see That * ****** *** helpless To **** eternally. But, ***** ****** *** **** me, And *** ** ***** *** me!

#560 - I Hear the Savior Calling [2] I **** *** ****** calling! He ***** * **** ** me, A **** ** ****** anguish, One ******* ** ** free. The **** * **** ** offer Is ******, ** ****'* decree That *** **** **** forgiven-- My ****** ***** *** me!

#560 - I Hear the Savior Calling [3] I **** *** ****** calling! He ***** **** ****** ** me: To ***** *** **** *'* able, Whate'er *** **** *** be. Thus **** ** **** **** others Who ***** *** ****** key We ****** *** ****** tidings-- My ****** ***** *** me!

#560 - I Hear the Savior Calling [4] I **** *** ****** calling! He ******* ****** *** me. From **** ** **** * witness To ***** ** ******'* plea; Yet ******* *** ** added, No **** ** ****** knee, Beyond *** ****** gospel-- My ****** ***** *** me!

#560 - I Hear the Savior Calling [5] I **** *** ****** calling! His **** *** urgency! Each ****** ***** *** dying; Soon ***** eternity. And **, ** ******** Savior, This ** ** ****** plea: Prepare ** *** ** mission For *** *** ******* me!

A Collection of Lutheran Music Text: © 1993 John C. Lawrenz Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler www.LutheranMusic.com