A person who held a job or position before the current person. Freshmen Vocab – List 9 Root Word: pre Definition: before Premonition: Predecessor: A strong feeling that something is about to happen before it happens; especially something unpleasant. A person who held a job or position before the current person. Example: Example: The predecessor to President Barack Obama is former President George W. Bush, because Bush held the position before Obama did. Even though the sky was clear, I had a premonition that before my wedding there would be rain.
Subordinate: Subterfuge: Freshmen Vocab – List 9 Root Word: sub Definition: under Subordinate: Subterfuge: A person under the authority or control of another within an organization. The use of tricks to hide, avoid, or get something. To undermine someone to get what you want. Example: Example: The Vice President is a subordinate figure under the President. He is second in command. The spy obtained the federal secret documents by subterfuge. He undermined security by dressing up as an employee to get past them.
The act of killing another person. Freshmen Vocab – List 9 Root Word: cide Definition: kill Genocide: Homicide: The deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political or cultural group. The act of killing another person. Example: Example: The Holocaust is an example of a genocide because Hitler targeted people of the Jewish faith and killed them. Lynching in an act of homicide because it involves killing another person even if they are innocent.
Belligerent: Rebellion: Freshmen Vocab – List 9 Root Word: bell Definition: war Belligerent: Rebellion: Angry and aggressive: feeling or showing readiness to engage in war or fight. An effort by many people to change the government or leader of a country by the use of protest, violence, or war. Example: Example: The coach became quite belligerent and spit at a referee after his player was thrown out of the game. It looked like he was about to declare war! The country was in a state of unrest and rebellion. The people declared war on the government because they were too controlling.
Concise: Precise: Root Word: cise Definition: cut Freshmen Vocab – List 9 Root Word: cise Definition: cut Concise: Precise: Using few words, cutting out or excluding unnecessary information. Very accurate and exact, a “clean-cut” statement. Example: Example: I only had 3 minutes to deliver my speech. In order to make it more concise, I cut out all the extra information so that I did not go over my time. Be sure to take precise measurements before you cut the cloth.