Eureka Stratospheric Ozone Differential Absorption LIDAR: Status Report Alexey B. Tikhomirov1 Emily McCullough1 James R. Drummond1 Ghazal Farhani2, Robert J. Sica2 Thierry Leblanc3 1 Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada 2 University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada 3 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Wrightwood, CA, USA TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting 7-11 May 2018, Huntsville, AB
TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA PEARL May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA
TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA PEARL May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA
TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA DIAL specification System Developer: Optech Inc & YorkU, 1992 Location: 80N, 86W, Eureka, Nunavut, Canada Range: 1-60 km Resolution: 150 - 300 m typical Products: stratospheric O3, tropospheric H2O, temperature, gravity waves Laser Type: XeCl (IPEX – 848, LightMachinery) Wavelengths: 308 nm 353 nm (Raman H2) Output Energy: 152 mJ 20 mJ Pulse Duration: <20 ns Repletion Rate: up to 200 Hz Beam Divergence: 0.15 mrad Receiver Telescope Type: Newtonian Aperture Dia.: 1 m Focal Length: 2.5 m FOV: 0.2 to 1.0 mrad Wavelengths: 308, 353, 331.9, 385, 405.3 nm FWHM: 20, 20, 2, 0.5, 1 nm Data Acquisition: Photon counting May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA
TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA DIAL schematics May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA
DIAL data and publications Strengths: Located in High Arctic – the northernmost stratospheric O3 DIAL in the world Provides data on O3, H2O, T, aerosol using remote sensing technique Night time instrument – do not require solar light for operation Used for satellite data validation (ACE/OSIRIS) Weaknesses: Night time instrument – not operational during polar day Requires clear sky for operation A. Carswell etal. 1993. Lidar measurements of the Arctic stratosphere. SPIE. W. Steinbrecht. 1994. Lidar measurements of ozone, aerosol and temperature… PhD thesis. D. Donovan etal. 1996. Ozone and aerosol observed by Lidar… GRL. T. Duck. 1999. High Arctic observations of strato-mesospheric temperatures… PhD thesis. T. Kerzenmacher etal. 2005. Measurements of O3, NO2 and Temperature… GRL. E. Dupuy etal. 2009. Validation of ozone measurements from the ACE. ACP. Moss etal. 2013. Calibration and validation of water vapour lidar measurements… AMT. May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA
DIAL upgrade and operation schedule 2009-2010 Laser replacement, hardware issues Raman data only 2011-2012 No funding Operations on hold 2013-2014 New chopper, ISA-to-USB adapter for counter boards, servo control upgrade, new control and data acquisition software Return signal in elastic channels Feb 2015 DIAL is operational with some limitations Elastic, Raman Spring, Fall 2016 DIAL testing and tuning, participation in 2016 ACE/OSIRIS validation campaign Spring, Fall 2017 2017 ACE/OSIRIS validation campaign Application of traditional ozone retrieval algorithm (T.Leblanc et al., 2016, AMT) Ozone products Spring 2018 2018 ACE/OSIRIS validation campaign May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA
TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA DIAL observations: 2016-2017 2016, spring 2016, fall 2017, spring 2017, fall 2018, spring 2018, fall dates TBD May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA
Ozone retrievals and data submission 2017, spring Traditional ozone retrieval algorithm is applied: T.Leblanc et al., 2016, AMT, part 1-3 NDACC, CANDAC, Polar data catalog: Data preparation in progress May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA
TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA Funding situation Evidence for Democracy (E4D) has been active in lobbying various federal ministers about funding for the Canadian Climate and Atmospheric Research (CCAR) program On September 15, 2017 E4D launched a new Save PEARL campaign They see PEARL as the best vehicle for gaining public interest in the larger issue of CCAR and climate science funding There was a response from the government within about an hour of the launch See May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA
TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA Funding situation Pending finalization of the funding agreement which is expected by mid-May 2018, the PEARL facility will be fully funded to September 2019 This funding is considered “interim funding” until a new funding mechanism can be established – i.e. a new program or modification to an existing program to permit an application by PEARL for further continuation As of mid-May 2018 this continuation program has neither been announced not implemented. We expect that since the federal budget did increase science funding considerably, that some announcement will be made later in 2018 May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA
TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA Summary DIAL operation status: nominal operation (A.Tikhomirov, G.Farhani, E.McCullough) ~4-6 weeks during spring + ~2 weeks during fall Ozone retrievals: traditional ozone retrieval technique has been applied (T.Leblanc) Funding situation: PEARL is funded till September 2019 Work in progress: Reprocessing of 2016-2018 data sets for data submission Detailed intercomparison with other instruments (ACE FTS, FTIR, Brewer, GBS, E-AERI, ozonesondes) Application of OEM to DIAL data sets (G.Farhani) Future work: Water vapor, temperature and density products PEARL research is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) 13-18 June 2016 May 10, 2018 TOLNet/NDACC LWG Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA