Skip the Corporate Ladder and Still Win in a Tech Career Women in Technology Panel
Panelists Kellyn Gorman Elizabeth Noble Susan Schneider
All About Your Career! Women make up less than 25% of deep tech. Over 40% of women leave tech within 4 years of entering the industry. WIT challenges are incredibly complex and increasingly highlighted as part of Diversity and Inclusion initiatives. How can we make it easier to succeed?
What We Do Go to work Do the work to our best ability Be a good coworker Be supportive Be collaborative Be recognized Be promoted Be awarded Be successful
Reality DO ALL OF THAT and Difficult coworkers Ideas credited to others Promotions go to peers Two words: “Pay Gap” Personal Demands outside of work Networking challenges
How to Overcome? Each Individual on this panel has contributions in this area. Questions will be posed to them Questions will form because of answers and conversation Don’t hesitate to ask questions or contribute to the conversation.
Work Day- What myths do you hear about working in IT and what about our industry do you think women should take more advantage of?
Doing the Work- What was the first myth about achieving goals that you discovered and how did you overcome it? How to win the technical challenges to keep you passionate and influential.
Being A Good Coworker- What was the most valuable lesson our learned about working on a team and how does it relate to the bias women experience around teamwork vs. ambition? How to win the technical challenges to keep you passionate and influential. How to address unconscious bias that may impact your technical path.
Supportive, Aggressive or Enabling- Women receive a lot of criticism, often stating there’s no right way to interact with peers. What are your best tips to getting ahead with supervisors, peers and those competitive with you?
Recognition and Promotions- What tips can you offer to get ahead in a male-dominated industry? What are women missing out on that our male peers might have opportunities with and how can we gain the upper hand here? How to build a professional brand, market yourself and build opportunities.
Awards and Scaling Up- What advice can you offer around valuable areas to focus on that will benefit a woman in tech’s career around awards, outside ventures? How to become a thought leader and technical resource for your industry.
Networking- There’s definitely a challenge here- How can women network as well as men with less challenges? Tips and techniques with mentoring, sponsorship and opportunities of value? How to network, negotiate and sponsor/be sponsored in tech.
Thank you to the panel and attendees! Any Closing Comments? Thank you to the panel and attendees!
Anything you can do or dream you can, begin it, for initiative has magic, power and genius in it! Wolfgang Goethe, German Philosopher Kellyn Gorman Twitter: @dbakevlar