Brainstorming A Great Way to Study and Research Presented by the School of Justice Studies Tutors
What are ways that Brainstorming can help a student? Helps build team working skills (if working with another student(s)) Encourages students to think “outside of the box” A different way to go about research and studying Helps break down assignments so that they are less intimidating Brings to light new information that may have been overlooked
The perfect way to study for the visual leaner Mind Mapping The perfect way to study for the visual leaner Tips for creating a memorable mind map: Appeal to your senses- Make map maps Visually appealing, they stick better in your memory Exaggerate! Create absurd images to engage your mind! Movement- create curvy lines or implement 3D images Color- Use at least three different colors to make your map come alive HAVE FUN! Learning doesn’t have to be boring! Have fun being creative and just go with the flow~ Reference:
Role-Storming Ideas to get you started: Role-storming is a group learning technique, that encourages individuals to gather ideas from a different persons perspective. To do this, an individual must play an important character on the subject in question. Ideas to get you started: What main characters are needed to gather ideas on the subject? While playing your character, share ideas from your characters perspective. When everyone is out of ideas, switch characters and try again! Make sure to write down all of your ideas so you can come back to them later! References: “What is rolestorming? A useful (+playful) group brainstorming method. “(2016). Retrieved from [Team meeting]. (n.d.). Retrieved from team-meeting-clipart.html
Brain Writing A Unique Brain Storming Technique that Promotes Team Work and Produces Results How does it work? Gather your group/team together in a circle and hand everyone a sheet of paper and something to write with Have everyone write down one idea on their piece of paper. After a couple of minutes, have everyone pass their paper to the next person and write down the idea on the new sheet. Repeat until everyone has written on each other’s sheet. Write all the collected ideas on a whiteboard and discuss References:
A Creative Way to Look at a Problem Differently Openly establish the problem to be solved by the group and write it down. Reverse the problem by coming up with ideas on how to contribute to or cause the problem. Brainstorm how to solve the reversed problem and write down all thoughts. Once the group has identified how to make the problem worse, then reverse those ideas to find solutions on how to eliminate the original challenge or problem. Analyze the results and determine the best approach. References: Mind Tools. (n.d.). Reverse brainstorming A different approach to brainstorming. Retrieved from CT_96.htm
Group ideation There is no wrong answer! This is where a group of people come together to start brainstorming ideas. Start by having one person in the group start the conversation with what the topic is needed. Example can be: “What color should we choose for our company logo?” Then go around the room and let everyone have an opinion on what they think. There is no wrong answer! The point of this is to see the different angles and the different opinions that others may have. Always be sure to write down all of the different ideas that come to everyone’s mind so you can refer back to it later if need be. Reference: 25 Useful Brainstorming Techniques (2018) Personal Excellence. Retrieved from:
Time Travel Brainstorming Time Travel is a brainstorming trigger to help when you are stuck. The idea of time travel is to help break the creative block by imagining past and future, instead of just present. Some questions to get started on your time travel brainstorm. What would this look like 100 years ago? What resources would be available to me 100 years ago? What will this look like in 100 years? What resources will be available to me in 100 years? Reference techniques-for-together/ Reference:
TRIGGER METHOD Use “triggers” to generate ideas-open ended sentences or questions Everyone shares ideas-take turns speaking or jot down ideas Select some of the best ideas to share-then come up with more ideas based on those Keep going until you have a solution Reference: Envatotuts (2016, September 7) 19 Top brainstorming techniques to generate ideas for any situation. Retrieved from
Brainstorming Techniques Which one will you use? Mind Mapping Time Travel Rolestorming Group Ideation Brain Writing Trigger Method Reverse Thinking Resource:
References Bulichenko, Denis (April, 2011) Five brainstorming techniques for together. Retrieved from techniques-for-together/ Envatotuts (2016, September 7) 19 Top brainstorming techniques to generate ideas for any situation. Retrieved from Envatotuts+ (2016) What is rolestorming? A useful (+playful) group brainstorming method. Retrieved from Mindtools (n.d.) Brainwriting. Retrieved from Michalko, Michael (2017, March 3) Brainwriting. Retrieved from Mind Tools (n.d.) Reverse brainstorming, A different approach to brainstorming. Retrieved from Personal Excellence (2018) 25 Useful brainstorming techniques. Retrieved from: techniques/ [Team meeting]. (n.d.). Retrieved from VanGundy, Arthur B. (2011, January 10) Brainwriting: A tool for rapid brainstorming. Retrieved from