Nichromet Extraction Gold Technology 10/31/07
Nichromet Cyanide-Free Gold Extraction Technology A green alternative to the classical cyanide approach Give access to ores refractory to cyanidation Less costly than the classical processes without environmental mortgage on residues Can be implemented as modular plant Nichromet Extraction Inc. 3700, Lac Noir Street Thetford Mines (Qc) 418-423-7247 10/31/07
Vision Develop an economic alternative to classical cyanide process for gold extraction, while keeping a sustainable development approach minimizing the impact on the environment. 10/31/07
Overview of the Process Controlled Oxidation Sulphides Ores Sulfuric Acid Acid Leaching Base Metals Halogens Treatment Precious Metals Inert Tailings
Nichromet Process Flowsheet
Advantages Over Cyanide Faster Reaction Time Process time of few hours instead of few days Legal issues Cyanidation has been banned in many countries and some States in USA (ex:Wisconsin) Extraction of silver and PGM if present 10/31/07
Environmental Advantages No cyanide No tailings pond (elimination of spillage hazard) No liquid effluent Solids residues devoided of sulphides and base metals No acidic lixiviate or contaminants from tailings site 10/31/07
Characteristics of the Nichromet Technology Flexible Can handle base metals (bulk flotation : higher efficiency) Can treat carbonaceous ore Can handle telluride contamination Fast Leaching time of 2 hours instead of 2 days for cyanide Green Cyanide-free process Sulfide is recycled as sulfuric acid No waste water, no tailing pond and no air pollutants Solid wastes : inert and stable, even when using high arsenic ores Profitable Process cost ($/oz gold) similar to cyanide Capital cost lower (10-15%) than cyanide
Successfully piloted at the ton scale on a wide range of materials Sources Type Grade (g/T) Barren Solid (g/T) Yield (%) 1: Canada (Quebec) Ore 2,58 g/T 0,07 g/T 97,5 % 2: Canada (Quebec) 3,45 g/T 0,34 g/T 93,2 % 3: Canada (Quebec) 13,9 g/T 0,79 g/T 95,4 % 4: Canada (Ontario)* Conc. 55,3 g/T 4,79 g/T 94,0 % 5 : Eastern Europe* 7,5 g/T 1,48 g/T 91,0 % 6: Canada (Quebec)* 53,5 g/T 3,56 g/T 94,1 % *Flotation concentrates requiring pre-treatment by oxidation
Environmental Recognition Grant of 700 k$ from Green Technologies Demonstration Program of Quebec Government in 2011-2012 Grant of 5 M$ from Sustainable Technology Development Fund of Federal Governement in 2013 10/31/07
Somine Haïti Project vs Nichromet Technology Current gold estimated resources (3,2 MT) Gold : 339 000 oz Au @ 3,27 g Au/T Copper : 28 Mlbs @ 0,4 %Cu Exploitation permit in force Mining plan Near surface resources (open pit potential, low operating cost) 20 M$ investment done in exploration to date 10/31/07
Nichromet plant in Haïti Great Potential for a Nichromet plant in Haïti Phase I Bring the top layer of the deposit into production with a modular plant to process oxides concentrate 15 M$ investment for the modular plant only Potential of 25 000 oz Au/year Phase II 1000 TPD Mine and full scale processing plant Gold production rate of 35 000 oz Au/yr Investment for Nichromet processing plant of 35 M$ Nichromet is currently conducting a demonstration program for the application of its technology on the Faille B deposit. 10/31/07
Toward a Greener Gold Industry 10/31/07