Graduate Program Approval Request (GPAR) Professor Kathleen Segerson Associate Dean, The Graduate School and Distinguished BOT Professor, Department of Economics Introduce myself.
What is it? Electronic workflow for approval of actions related to graduate degree and certificate programs Types of Actions creation, modification, or elimination of program changes to program requirements in Grad Catalog Similar to, but distinct from, Course Action Request (CAR) Replaces previously used paper forms
What Does it Do? Automatically routes proposals through necessary approval stages Allows initiator to track and share proposal Notifies various units of final approvals for subsequent action Archives approved proposals
Approval Stages? Depends on nature of proposal Can include: Department School/College Graduate School Provost’s Office (CoD, BoT)
Other Information Owned/administered by The Graduate School More information on Grad School website: For questions:
Graduate Voluntary Separation Online Process Karen L. Bresciano Assistant Dean, The Graduate School Introduce myself.
But First… Cancellation vs Withdrawal Academic Leave vs GA Leave Exits Program Changes First 10 days and the refund schedule Continuous Registration Return to Title IV Funds- R2T4
What is it? Electronic workflow for voluntary separations of graduate students Types of Actions Withdrawal Cancellations Leave of Absence Exit Program change Replaces previously used paper forms
What Does it Do? Workflow routes proposals through necessary approval and action stages Ensures that student gets appropriate “consumer counseling” regarding financial and academic implications Streamlines date of notification Notifies various units of final decision for subsequent action (student, advisor, department/program, Registrar, Bursar, Payroll, ISSS)
Stages Student considering separation fills out form TGS contacts student to provide “consumer counseling” Form returned to student to indicate final decision LOA- form is routed to major advisor Notifications sent to involved parties
Questions? When in doubt, tell your students to contact The Graduate School Karen L. Bresciano Megan Petsa