GOFC/GOLD - Fire Requirements for Fire Observations
Requirements and Status
Fire Observations Near Real Time (15 mins) for Regional Fire Control and Air Quality Management Temporal Summaries for Fire and Ecosystem Management, National Reporting and Global Change Research Requirements for –sensing systems with appropriate characteristics for deriving fire products –Intermediate and derived fire products of known accuracy –Web based open access to data –Consistent Long Term Data records – fire history and policy effectiveness Requirements evolving - user needs / observation capabilities –Rapid operational prototyping
Summary Requirements: Active Fire/Fire Power Integrated Multi-source Satellite acquisition with appropriate sensors for fire detection (SWIR, MIR, Thermal – geolocation, spectral and temporal registration) –15 minute Geostationary Global Geostationary Network –Daily Day/Night Polar Orbiting Moderate Resolution (500m-1km) –Targeted High Resolution (<30m) Imaging (24 hours) e.g. Sensor Web Derived Products (Validated) –NRT Active Fire - Location /Power/Detection Probability (mins to hours) –Daily, Monthly, Annual, Multiyear Active Fire Distributions Web based fire location delivery (inc. alert system)
Summary Requirements: Burned Area Multi-source Satellite Acquisition with sensor characteristics for burned area estimation (geolocation, band to band registration, visible, NIR, SWIR) –Daily Geostationary <1km –Daily Polar Orbiting Mod Resn (250m - 1km) –Targeted High Resn (30m) E.g. sensor web technology – link to active fire detection Derived Validated Products –NRT ( Hrs) High (30m) and Moderate Resn (250 – 1km) Burned Area identification –Global day Moderate Resn Burned Area, Seasonal, Annual Summaries, Multiyear record –30m Burned Area (Post fire assessment and Validation) – targeted fires
Summary Requirements: Fire Emissions Satellite Data –15 min Geostationary (Active fire / Area Burned / Smoke) for NRT –Global Daily observations (Burned area products) for temporal summaries In-situ Data (Sample) –Fuel Load for product validation –Emission Factors –Aerosol optical thickness (e.g. Aeronet) Intermediate Product –Modeled Fuel Loads – seasonal / annual Derived Products (Modeled) –NRT Trace Gas and Particulate Emissions –10/16 Day – Monthly Emissions, Seasonal summaries, Multi annual emissions –Direct emission observation – aerosols, trace gases
Summary Requirements: Fire Danger Status Satellite Data with appropriate characteristics for monitoring vegetation state (geolocation, registration, vis, nir, swir, thermal) –Polar Orbiter 250-1km (vegetation state, moisture content) In-situ Data –Weather –Fuel amount and condition (satellite and modeled) Intermediate Products –Recent Weather (Assimilated) –Satellite Vegetation Moisture Content –Modeled Fuel amount (Allocated annual NPP) Derived Products (Modeled) –10/16 Day – Fire Danger Rating
Importance of Product Validation Importance of providing products of known accuracy (validated products) for both science and applications Validated to Stage 2 prior to broad distribution - range of conditions for which the product is provided GOFC/GOLD close partnership with CEOS Cal Val WG -Land Products Validation (LPV) –International coordination needed for Stage 3 Global Product Validation
GOFC/GOLD-Fire Goals Increase user awareness –develop an increased understanding of the utility of satellite fire products and their use for global change research, resource management and policy (UN, Regional, National, Local) Establish a geostationary global fire network –providing operational high temporal resolution standard fire products of known accuracy Secure operational polar orbiters with adequate fire monitoring capability –providing operational moderate resolution long-term global fire products to meet user requirements and serving a network of distributed ground stations –providing improved fire products (fuel moisture content/active fire/burned area/fire characterization) in a timely fashion –Providing operational high resolution acquisition allowing active fire, burned area, fire characterization and post-fire assessments
GOFC/GOLD-Fire Goals (Contd) Determine product accuracies –operational network of fire validation sites and protocols established providing accuracy assessment for operational products and a test bed for new or enhanced products – leading to standard products of known accuracy Develop a set of standard fire danger / susceptibility models –combining meteorological data, remote sensing, and ground based information Develop fire emissions product suites –providing annual emission estimates of known accuracy with the associated input data Establish enhanced user products and data access – Operational multi-source fire / GIS products, Web based data access, Improved national fire reporting, Fire characterization Promote experimental fire observation systems and related research –in new areas focused on meeting current information gaps
Outreach – Fire Web Site REDLaTIF – South America Key sections also in Spanish and Russian
Rapid Operational Prototyping
ESA applications related to Land Cover, July 2004 GLOBSCAR for GOFC 4ATSR-2 4Monthly for km 4Validated 4Global algorithm regionally adjusted (NIR and TIR) 4Quicklooks, ASCII and Vector data 4Demonstration no follow-on
J-M. Grégoire & K. Tansey et al. Total global annual burned area estimated at 3.5 million km2 > 600,000 burn scars detected The Global Burnt Area 2000 initiative (GBA-2000) Mapping, from SPOT-VEGETATION S1 imagery, of the areas burnt globally during 2000
Natural Hazards investigators at UMD. UMD team transforms image into ERDAS format and FTPs file to USFS/Salt Lake City where burn extent product is derived. Result is sent to BAER team at Robert Fire. SensorWeb Demonstration Scenario National Priority Wildfires
Remote Sensing Fire Detection (ABBA-MODIS) NAAPS Transport Microphysics and Radiation Routines (Reality Check) NRT Emissions : Emission Product 4D-Data Assimilation?
The MODIS Rapid Response Project – J. Descloitres – MODIS Science Team Meeting, 07/13/04 MODIS Rapid Response Distribution Browse-and-click interface Thumbnail available for each image Multiple spatial resolutions, multiple band combinations, multiple products Gallery images are georeferenced (world file available for GIS users) Link to actual data at the DAAC (WHOM and Data Pool), link to ECHO client planned Over 160 application-specific automatic subsets Flash-based interactive viewer Web Fire Mapper at Univ. of Maryland Automatic subsets Near-real-time browse imagery
Example of an alert attachment showing fires in the Tsingy de Bemaraha Reserve, Madagascar based alert system for protected areas
Users can subscribe to the alert system on line at
Additional National Scale Fire Products ARC IMS Interactive Web Mapping Imagery Fire Detections MODIS, WFABBA Fire Regime/Condition Class Fire Danger Rating System