Minimum Wage Discussion Looking at the issue and Stating Your Opinion on it. Unit 5 eaa-W8 What are the two lessons of minimum wage?
Do you believe what the professor said to be true or not? Why or why not?
Positives and Negatives that can be seen if the minimum wage is increased 1) More money in the pockets of the workers 2) Creates a better quality of life for the workers because they can afford better food, living spaces, etc 3) Making more money might reduces need to be on government sponsored programs or assistance (food stamps, welfare, medicaid, medicare) 4) Opportunities to pay off any debts with the increase in money Finding more money to pay workers stresses out small business owners 2) Causes more unemployment b/c it forces employers to choose between paying more $ out or keeping for profit 3) Puts a strain on the resources of a small business 4) Doesn’t help the very unskilled worker b/c they are the ones that usually get fired first
Minimum Wage Information In the space below record the state and the amount they pay their workers. More than Federal min wage ($7.25) WA $12.00 IL $8.25 At the Federal Minimum Wage $7.25 OR $10.75 MI $9.45 ID, WI, UT, IA, WY, IN, ND, CA $11.00 OH $8.55 KY, KS, PA, OK, VA, TX, NC, NV $8.50 WV $8.75 GA AZ $11.00 ME $11.00 NM $7.50 VT $10.78 CO $11.00 NY $11.10 MT $8.50 MA $12.00 No State Federal Minimum Wage SD $9.10 CT $10.10 LA, MS, AL, TN, SC NE $9.00 RI $10.50 MN $9.86 NJ $8.85 MO $8.60 DE $8.75 AR $9.25 MD $10.10 FL $8.46 HI $10.10 AK $9.89 DC $13.25 Minimum Wage Information