Look at the homework timetable on the website. Check students’ diary /Show my Homework for guidance. Ask to see all homework for subjects where AtL scores 3 or below Compare Key Assessment Grade with Target Grade. Where are the biggest gaps? When are the extended day sessions running? (Year 11 only) http://www.blenheim.surrey.sch.uk/848/overview - Review the course content to identify the gaps ask for teacher support. Target Grade = Minimum expectation for end of year. Aspirational Grade = chosen by student. Both of which are recorded in the student planner. You will find notes in the school exercise books along with Next Steps Advice T2/1 = Term 2 / Report 1 Encourage your son or daughter to be achieving 3, 2, or 1 in their AtL scores. Which subjects need more focus for the next ½ term? 7+ = strong 7 7- = borderline with 6+ What should become the focus to secure the grade or move up to the next grade? Attendance. School target is 96% Please keep a close eye on this percentage each term If attendance is below 90% this equates to over 105 lost learning hours Report grading explained Current position, reflect upon where your son/daughter is positioned. What targets could you set at home for the next 6 weeks, before the next report is published?