Commencement ‘19 Aileen O’Donoghue University Marshal Alexander Stewart, Associate University Marshal
Commencement Line Up Park Street ODY W S N “The Creasy Grove” 7/6/2019 ODY W Park Street S N “The Grove” Creasy Commencement Commons E Hepburn Richardson Gunnison Carnegie Promenade Dana Quad Dean Eaton Student Center University Marshal
Commencement Line Up Platform A-K L-Z FacStaff Special Access (Orange) 7/6/2019 Platform Bleachers FacStaff Prez. Party Singers Parents Committee Parents and Guests: W Green Parents and Guests: E L-Z Masters International Special Access (Orange) A-K Summas T - Z P - S AM AM Masters L - O AM H - K L-Z D - G A - C Summa AM UM A-K AM AUM Platform Mace Bagpipes AM Faculty & Staff AM AM University Marshal
Commencement Line Up Platform A-K L-Z FacStaff Special Access (Orange) 7/6/2019 Before the procession, the Faculty & Staff are lined up between the Dana entrance and the Student Center. The Bagpipes are near the entrance to the Fac/Staff dining room with the University Marshal, Mace & all four flags and Fac/Staff following. A-K Summas Platform Bleachers Singers Parents Committee Parents and Guests: W Green Parents and Guests: E L-Z Masters International FacStaff Prez. Party Special Access (Orange) The students pick up their cards near the quad and line up on either side of the High Road and the Platform Party on the road in front of Dean-Eaton. T - Z P - S AM AM Masters L - O 23 AM D - G H - K L-Z A - C Summa AM Platform UM A-K AM AUM 22 Mace Bagpipes AM Faculty & Staff AM AM Assistant Marshals and Ushers are shown in positions for aiding the line-up Usher number 23 Assistant Marshal AM Associate University Marshal AUM University Marshal
Commencement Line Up M, I, S L - O P - S T - Z A - C D - G H - K UM 7/6/2019 The graduates pick up cards according to their last names at tables on the edge of the quad. M, I, S L - O Masters P - S T - Z A - C D - G H - K Summa UM Card Tables Mace Bagpipes Posts are labeled with letters to aid in the line-up. Odd numbers are in the right-hand (marching) columns, evens in the left-hand columns. University Marshal
Commencement Line Up Platform A-K L-Z FacStaff Special Access (Orange) 7/6/2019 The procession starts with the Bagpipes, University Marshal, Mace, all four Flags and Faculty moving between the columns of students on the High Road. A-K Summas Platform Bleachers Singers Parents Committee Parents and Guests: W Green Parents and Guests: E L-Z Masters International FacStaff Prez. Party Special Access (Orange) Masters AM L-Z AM AM AM AM AM Summa Platform AM A-K The New York State and SLU Flags pause in front of the Masters students as the National Flags continue. NY State Flag follows Platform and leads faculty SLU Flag follows faculty and leads the graduates. US and Canadian Flags follow the Bagpipes as the University Marshal and Mace join the platform party that fills in between the National Flags and Faculty led by NY State Flag University Marshal
The SLU Flag follows the faculty and leads the students. Commencement 2011 Commencement Line Up 7/6/2019 A-K Summas Platform Bleachers Singers Parents Committee Parents and Guests: W Green Parents and Guests: E L-Z Masters International FacStaff Prez. Party Special Access (Orange) Masters AM AM AM L-Z AM AM Summa AM AM A-K The SLU Flag follows the faculty and leads the students. The Bagpipes lead the National Flags, the Platform Party, NY State Flag and Faculty University Marshal
Commencement Line Up Platform A-K L-Z FacStaff Special Access (Orange) 7/6/2019 A-K Summas Platform Bleachers Singers Parents Committee Parents and Guests: W Green Parents and Guests: E L-Z Masters International FacStaff Prez. Party Special Access (Orange) Bleachers Bleachers Parents and Guests: W Green Bleachers Bleachers Parents Committee Singers A-K Summas AM AM Bleachers Platform L-Z Masters International Parents and Guests: E Bleachers AM AM AM Summa Masters FacStaff Prez. Party Special Access (Orange) Bleachers AM AM University Marshal
A-K Platform L-Z FacStaff Special Access (Orange) Commencement 2011 Ushers Shown in Starting Positions 7/6/2019 24 Bleachers 16 Bleachers Bleachers 17 9 Parents Committee Singers 15 Parents and Guests: W Bleachers A-K Summas Singers Green 20 Platform 14 3 1 13 4 5 Bleachers L-Z Masters International 18 19 2 Parents and Guests: E 12 7 Bleachers 8 Prez. Party FacStaff 6 10 11 Special Access (Orange) 20 N W E S Bleachers 22 23 Herding Cats University Marshal
Assistant Marshals & Ushers Shown in Procession Positions Commencement 2011 7/6/2019 24 Bleachers Bleachers Bleachers 9 Parents Committee Singers 15 Parents and Guests: W Bleachers A-K Summas Singers M Green 20 Platform 1 3 14 M 17 2 16 5 4 13 Bleachers L-Z Masters M 18 M 19 M Parents and Guests: E 12 M M 7 Bleachers M Prez. Party FacStaff 8 6 10 11 Special Access (Orange) 20 N W E S Bleachers M M University Marshal
Ushers Shown in Diploma Distribution Positions 24 Bleachers 16 Bleachers Bleachers 9 Parents Committee Singers Parents and Guests: W Bleachers A-K Summas Singers 23 15 12 17 Green 20 Platform 1 14 22 5 2 3 Bleachers L-Z Masters 13 18 10 20 19 Parents and Guests: E 11 8 21 7 6 4 Bleachers Prez. Party FacStaff Special Access (Orange) N W E S Bleachers
Special Access (Orange 80) Recession Bleachers Bleachers Bleachers Parents and Guests: W Green 20 Parents Committee Bleachers Singers 14 12 5 A-K Summas Singers 1 3 15 18 17 M Bleachers 13 Faculty Platform 23 M 11 M M 10 6 16 M M 7 L-Z Masters 22 19 2 4 Parents and Guests: E Bleachers Special Access (Orange 80) 9 Prez. Party Special Access (Orange) Bleachers M M UM Return To DE M
Special Access (Orange 80) Recession Bleachers Bleachers Bleachers Parents and Guests: W Green 20 Parents Committee Bleachers Singers 5 12 15 18 17 M A-K Summas Singers 23 1 3 10 Platform M Bleachers 7 6 11 M 19 22 2 4 L-Z Masters Parents and Guests: E 14 Bleachers Special Access (Orange 80) M Prez. Party Special Access (Orange) Bleachers M 13 Return To DE M 16 M M 9 M