PC myths Exploded
Magnets Zap Your Data Floppy disk – TRUE Hard Drives – Nope! Unless you have a government-spec drive eraser.
Cookies track everything Partial truth! LIMITED tracking on the web Multi-site cookies track across THOSE sites e.g. - Double-click sites
Disaster will strike if you power off without doing a Shutdown According to MS: Fragmenting Data corruption Lost data All possible
“Opt out” will stop the spam True for reputable business sites False for others
Your HD is open to attacks Absolutely! Worms (e.g. MyDoom.f ) Viruses (many) Port attacks on open hi-speed lines Hijacking is prominent
Power off is a good idea Shortens component life (heat/cool stress) Processor lasts about 10 years BUT It saves power Memory clutter, etc. gets cleared
email Forward it and donations will be made Forward it and you’ll get a check Forward it or else Gov’t/MS tracks your email ALL FALSE!!!
Nobody uses DOS anymore 1 million systems still in use Research firm IDC 1,000 NEW installs last year Few new this year Hotels, restaurants, muffler shops, dental offices
You need to protect your power Maybe Surge protectors UL1449 rating is the only one to watch UPS Useful for full failures Watch rating Watts and VA’s USB or serial connector
You have to drain your batteries Depends NiCds – absolutely – full drain Li Ion – NO! Partial drain is better Full drain in laptop after 30 charges Only needed for PC meter