What Happens After Death


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Presentation transcript:

What Happens After Death Beyond Death’s Door What Happens After Death 2 Corinthians 5:1-8

The Meaning Of Hades And Sheol The O.T. taught that the dead go to Sheol; the N.T. teaches the people go to Hades (same place) Sheol & Hades = “a place of conscious existence after death” – “the region of departed spirits” - Genesis 37:35; 1 Corinthians 15:55 The Septuagint uses the Greek word Hades as an equivalent for Sheol - Psalms 16:10 Hades is the place of disembodied spirits - 2 Corinthians 5:1-8; Revelation 6:9; Psalms 139:8; Matthew 16:18

The Nature Of Hades Or Sheol In telling about the rich man and Lazarus, Jesus gives a rather vivid picture of Hades – Luke 16:19- 31 Hades is neither heaven nor hell There is consciousness in Hades

The Nature Of Hades Or Sheol In this realm there are 2 abodes Paradise (Abraham's bosom) "park" a place of beauty and comfort - Luke 23:42-43; Acts 2:31; 2 Corinthians 12:4; Philippians 1:23 Tartarus (torment) - the deepest abyss of Hades - 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Deuteronomy 32:22

Conclusion: THE LESSON OF HADES: Our eternal destiny is fixed at death in Hades. There is consciousness in Hades. Our eternal comfort or pain will begin in Hades. We must choice now to serve God, not in Hades. Our eternal soul will never die! There is a heaven and a hell! Next: Beyond Death’s Door: A Few Last Things

God has done His part. Have you done yours? God's Plan of Salvation GOD'S PART The great love of God for man (Jn 3:16) He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, as the Savior (Lk 19:10) Sent the Holy Spirit as a guide (Jn 16:13) Gave the Gospel as "the power" unto salvation (Rom 1:16) Provided atonement by the blood of Christ (Rom 5:9) MAN'S PART Hear the Gospel (Rom 10:17, Jn 8:32) Believe the Gospel (Heb 11:6, Jn 20:31) Repent of past sins (Lk 13:3, Acts 17:30) Confess faith in Jesus Christ (Rom 10:10, Matt 10:32) Be Baptized (Gal 3:27, Mk 16:16, Acts 2:38) Be faithful unto death (Rev 2:10) God has done His part. Have you done yours?