Jesus Arose from the Dead Scriptures foretold the resurrection Psalm 16, Psalm 2, Psalm 110, Isaiah 53 Jesus lived Jesus made claims He would be raised Matthew 27:62-66, Matt. 16:21-23 Jesus did miracles to prove His claims Mark 2:1-12, Acts 2:22 Jesus raised the dead John 11:1-48; 12:9-11
Jesus Arose from the Dead He died John 19:31-37; Mark 15:42-45 He was buried Mark 15:46-47, John 19:38-42; Matt. 27:65-66 His body was missing on the third day Luke 21:1,13-43, Matt. 28:11-15 His disciples claimed He arose and appeared to them John 20:24-29, 1-8 The movement grew rapidly in spite of persecution Acts 4:1-22; 2 Cor. 4:16-18
Jesus Arose from the Dead 4/20/2014 It is of first importance to the Christian 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 The resurrection was the focal point of the gospel Acts 17:16-18; 4:33; 2:22-36 The resurrection proved the atoning power of Christ’s death for our sins I Cor. 15:12-19; Romans 6:1-7 If true, then God exists