Upcoming Events April 1- School Resumes April 8-12- Book Fair April 19- No School April 24- Early Release 1:50 Dismissal May 1- Walking Field Trip (Library) May 27- No School May 31- Field Day June 5-Potter Park Zoo Field Trip June 6- Last Day of School 12 Dismissal We are near the tail end of our Kindergarten year! Please help your student down the road of independence. As first grade students they will be expected to work independently from the moment they walk in. Everything from walking to their lockers to packing up their things at the end of the day independently will be the expectation. It will greatly benefit your student if you allow them to be independent now. Say good-bye at the entrance and let them make their way to their locker all on their own. We have been working hard for ¾ of the year so I’m confident in their abilities to be independent. Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a nice and restful break! We will be hitting the ground running with our learning and activities. With the weather getting nicer and the end of the year in sight (yikes!) please remind your students that their best behavior is still expected. Be responsible, be respectful be safe! Your students are bringing home the last set of sight word cards for the year! Over the course of the year they should have brought home 34 new words to practice reading and writing. They are doing a great job in the classroom so please continue to work on these at home as well! April will also mark the last homework calendar that will be sent home. However, this does not mean to stop doing the activities! Hopefully your student has found a few that they enjoy. I will no longer be sending home book order forms. I will however continue to submit monthly online orders. The last two will be April 15th and May 1st.