Travel Case Study 2018 Andrew Broadbent Head of Governance and Performance Estates, Facilities and Capital Projects Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Shuttle Bus Service between Sites
Shuttle Bus Service Well used Runs about every 40 minutes in each direction 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday Stops at 4 additional points along the route No staff mileage claims between sites
Decked Car Parking St Helier
Staff Car Parking Permits 2 mile zone from work-base excludes members of staff from receiving a car parking permit, with exceptions Permit costs £22 per annum There are some 2 hour bays for staff who need to travel off-site and back on a frequent basis
Staff Car Parking Charges Scratch-card system with permit Depending on a member of staffs salary the car parking charges vary Approximately £1.20 per day for low paid staff This increases with pay to a maximum of £4.80 per day for bands 8d and 9 staff There are 11 points between the two ends of the scale Band 4 will pay £2.72 per day
Park and Ride Sutton Hospital site car park is used to provide a park and ride facility for staff No scratchcard required – so only cost is the car parking permit Runs approximately every 30 minutes
Electric Car Charging Point
Car Parking Charges - Visitors 20 minutes free £3 for first hour £10 for five hours In line with other Trusts in area Consessionary charges for delayed appointments £5 or £10 per week charges for different categories of visitor
New Cycle Storage and Changing Rooms – added 2017
Cycle to Work loan scheme Well used by staff with approximately 60 staff getting new bikes per annum Run via Halfords Cycle 2 Work scheme Part of the salary sacrifice scheme across the Trust
Other Cycle Storage
Extending Bus Route to Hospital
EOC Patient Transport
Teleconferencing Facilities