Timetables Check them carefully make sure you are entered for all of the exams you were expecting. Check your personal details as that is how it will show on your certificates. Note the time/date/room and seat number – do not miss your exam because you have misread your timetable.
Absence from Exams It is your responsibility to make sure that you are present on the correct day and at the correct time. You must arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of each exam. Misreading the timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation for absence. EXAMINATIONS MAY ONLY BE TAKEN AT THE TIME ON THE TIMETABLE. If you miss an exam due to illness, you must telephone school on 0161 921 2144 option 1 as soon as possible on the morning of the exam and a medical certificate/letter must be obtained within 48 hours of the exam you missed. If you are feeling unwell, but still able to travel, we suggest you come to the exam and we can assess the situation then. In most cases it is better to take the exam if you can. If in doubt - PHONE THE SCHOOL It is very important that the school office has your telephone number or a number where you may be contacted. If it has changed, please let the school office has the new number.
EXAMINATION NOTICEBOARD The Exam Noticeboard is located on ‘The Street’ near the lockers. You will find an alphabetical list of where you will be seated for each individual exam on a daily basis. Please make sure that you check where you will be sitting before the exam, as this will save time so we can all get started in a calm and stress-free manner!
Exam Invigilators Listen carefully to all instructions given to you by the Exam Invigilators and remember that the Invigilators are there to uphold the integrity of all examinations and must be treated respectfully. The Exam Invigilators work on behalf of the Examining Bodies who are governed by the Joint Council of Qualifications (JCQ) and it is their duty to report ANYTHING that is deemed as Malpractice in the first instance to the Examinations Officer/Headteacher who subsequently has no option but to write a report to the Examining Body.
Conduct in the Exam Room You must arrive in full school uniform Arrive 10 minutes before the published start time Silence on entering and until you are dismissed you must not be in possession of a mobile phone/smartwatch/MP3/4 player – these should be placed in an envelope with your name and exam room before leaving the holding area. These will be returned at the end of the exam. You must not leave the exam room for any reason without being escorted by a member of staff or you will not be allowed to re-enter. You will not be allowed to leave the exam room until the official finishing time of the exam You must sit in your designated seat If you finish your exam with time to spare please check your answers You must not have any verbal or non verbal communication or disturb any students during the exam – by turning around, eye contact, smiling. This will be deemed as malpractice. Don’t Risk it!
Candidate Malpractice – PART 1 Ignoring instructions or advice of an invigilator or Exams Officer in relation to the examination and regulations; Copying from another candidate or allowing work to be copied; Disruptive behaviour in the examination room (including the use of offensive language); Attempting to pass information by means of talking, written or non-verbal communication; Possession of unauthorised material, notes, study guides or your own blank paper, even if you do not intend to use it
Candidate Malpractice – PART 2 Writing inappropriate, offensive or obscene material in your exam scripts: Any examiner can refuse to mark your paper even if you have just been doodling. Don’t risk it! Possession of a mobile phone, even if you did not intend to use it, smart watches, iPods, MP3/4 players, or other similar electronic devices; Behaving in a manner so as to undermine the integrity of the examination. Writing on hand/body even if it is not relating to the exam – you will be asked to remove it
Penalties for Malpractice A warning from the Awarding Body A loss of marks gained for a section of the exam Disqualification from the unit Disqualification from all units in one or more qualifications taken in the series Disqualification from the whole qualification Disqualification from all qualifications taken in that series Barred from entering for any examinations for a set period of time which normally means a student will generally have to wait twelve months before re-taking the examination
Drinks/Food You are allowed only water in the exam room – please be mindful on the length of the exam and your intake of fluid as toilet breaks will not be allowed. This should be in a clear plastic bottle with the labels removed. Food or chewing gum is not allowed in the exam room.
Afternoon Exams – 1.30pm You will finish early from period 4 at 12.50pm Lunch will be 12.50pm – 1.20pm 1.20pm you must go straight to your designated exam room – Please do not be late as this will have an impact on the start and finish times of the exam.
Last but not least……. REMEMBER: The Harrop Fold School is only a stepping stone to where you want to go in your future lives and we all want the very best for you, but you need to help yourselves as well! Do not jeopardise the last 2 years hard work - take control and understand your responsibility, work hard and we will do the rest! Always have a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast And lastly we are here to help and to make the exam experience a less stressful one with your co-operation . It’s about working together and remembering that there are another 170 students who are all feeling the same as you! You will be receiving you personalised exam timetable by the end of the week. If you have any queries/concerns please come and see me (Mrs Lloyd) in the Data Office or your Head of Year Mrs Gunshorn
GOOD LUCK YEAR 11 REMEMBER: Harrop Fold School is only a stepping stone to where you want to go in your future lives!