!!!Notes # 3 America and Vietnam!!!
Vietnam Split When the French left in 1954, they left a divided Vietnam. North was Communist, South was Capitalists, and desperate for American support.
Ngo Dinh Diem Leader of the South (First Republic of Vietnam) Pro - U.S. His leadership was plagued with corruption – unpopular in both South and North Vietnam.
November 2, 1963
Gulf of Tonkin Incident August 2, 1964 U.S.S. Maddox was out patrolling North Vietnamese waters, (trying to gather intelligence – we were spying.) They were attacked by 3 North Vietnamese torpedo boats The Maddox fired, and the 3 boats ran away.
Tonkin Gulf Resolution On August 10, 1964, President Johnson signed the resolution. This gave the President the power – without Congress declaring war- to support the South Vietnamese in any way necessary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx8-ffiYyzA http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=us+navy+missile+strikes+on+syria&&view=detail&mid=57419F0622DDC02A19F557419F0622DDC02A19F5&FORM=VRDGAR
???What should America do??? Part 1 What should the U.S. do? Should we just send aid to those in Vietnam fighting the communists? Should we send troops? Should we just let Vietnam fall to the Communists? Defend your answer in 1 paragraph, using previous knowledge about the containment of Communism. Part 2 What might happen with the Presidents new found powers from the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
!!!Rules of Engagement Debate!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH41hwpgL1k https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/2017/10/03/mattis-reveals-new-rules-of-engagement/ How far should the U.S military be able to go to kill the enemy and protect the innocent?
!!!Tonkin Gulf Resolution & War Powers Resolution!!! Congress has not declared war on another country since WWII. The President has the power, initially in the Tonkin Gulf Resolution and still now today thanks to the War Powers Resolution, to send American troops to fight whenever they want. Of course Congress still needs to fund the military, but they don’t have to declare war. !!!Your debate for today. Should the American President have this power!!!