Taxonomy assessment of metagenes with differential abundance as a result of the AXOS intervention. Taxonomy assessment of metagenes with differential abundance as a result of the AXOS intervention. (A) Genus and species distribution of the underrepresented metagenes in the metagenome of samples after AXOS intervention. (B) Similar analysis as in panel A for the overrepresented metagenes. Pie charts indicate the distribution at genus level, whereas bar plots indicate the distribution of the main species; the color coding is maintained accordingly. “Unknown” is used for taxonomic categories showing an identity score lower than 70% and no taxonomy defined at genus level. Those with a score identity higher than 70% and equal matching with several species from the different genera are shown as “Uncertain.” Numbers inside parentheses show the number of genera or species in addition to those shown in the graph. Alfonso Benítez-Páez et al. mSystems 2019; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00209-19