Item 11b Cross-cutting issues affecting both goods and services OECD Statistics Directorate
What are the cross-cutting issues affecting goods and services? Goods for processing in IMTS & Manufacturing services in BOP Intra-firm or affiliated trade in goods and services Merchanting of goods Repairs and maintenance Trade in digital products, like computer software and music How to present trade in goods and trade in services together as trade in products E-commerce Linking trade in goods and services to industry data Travel Government n.i.e Are there others?
Questions? How to present guidance in the revised Trade in services and Merchandise Trade Manuals The original list of topics for analysing the trade in services was the following. Theme 3 addressing links between merchandise trade and balance of payments trade in goods and services should be addressed in Chapter 3. Theme 5, the sectoral analysis was seen as a possible example for Chapter 5., It is currently an annex to the analytical annex. Suggestions noted were the inclusion of Country case study materials; the creation of a virtual annex on Internet; reduce the number of themes; market access indicators; and inclusion of an example on global outsourcing.