The Jackson Era Chapter 10
Democratic Republicans Supported Jackson Favored states rights Mistrusted strong central government Many were individuals from the frontier, immigrants, or laborers in big cities
Why was Andrew Jackson popular with many Americans? A patriot Self made War hero Seemed ordinary
Expanding Democracy Party members began to choose party candidates instead of party leaders.
What is Suffrage Right to vote for men who held property or paid taxes. Suffrage expanded close to 80 percent of white males could vote by 1840 but who still could not vote?
We Want to Vote Still No African Americans Women Native Americans.
What is a spoils system? Process of replacing government employees with the winning candidate's supporters.
3 Regions South West North Economy based on Agriculture Opposed tariffs West Emerging economy Support international improvements and sale of public lands North Economy based on manufacturing Support tariffs
Why would manufacturers in the Northeast want tariffs, while the South did not? Manufacturers in the United States—mostly in the Northeast—welcomed the tariff. Because tariffs made European goods more expensive, American consumers were more likely to buy American-made goods. Southerners, however, hated the new tariff. They called it the Tariff of Abominations—something hateful. These critics argued that, while tariffs forced consumers to buy American goods, tariffs also meant higher prices.
States Rights Doctrine Led by John Calhoun Protested the tarrifs Believed that since the states had formed the national government, statepower should be greater than fedearl Northernes Believed the American people not individul states made up the Union
Southern Protests Some Southern States upset with the government threatened to Secede or break away from the Union. Jackson responded by passing a tariff which lowered the previos rate Not satisfied SC passed the Nullification Act, which declared the tariffs Null and Void(basically said they wont pay)
Jackson Takes a Stand Jackson believed the Union must be preserved and called out against the Southern States leaving. Congress Passed the Force Bill, which approved use of the army if necessary. No other state supported SC. Surprise , Surprise A Compromise was made The tariff was lowered and SC agreed to enforce the law.