The Importance of Your Votes Voting Procedures IFTA Annual Business Meeting July 20, 2010 Toronto, Ontario
Why We are Here Network with colleagues Learn about projects and activities Discuss challenges and opportunities Explore future initiatives Have fun and spend $$$ Bylaws require annual meeting to elect trustees to Board and conduct other business
Documents that Govern Voting Requirements IFTA, Inc. Articles of Incorporation - Article 12 IFTA, Inc. Bylaws - Article 3, Section 5 IFTA Articles of Agreement - R1555.200, R1600, R1620.200, R1720
Voting Highlights Each active member jurisdiction is entitled to: 1 vote on each matter 1 vote for each trustee being elected Vote by authorized representative in person or by proxy Source: Bylaws
Voting Types/Requirements to Pass Votes requiring a majority of affirmative votes - 30 Amendments to bylaws Source: IFTA Articles of Incorporation
Voting Types/Requirements to Pass Votes requiring 2/3 majority of active member jurisdictions or 39 affirmative votes Election of Trustees to Board General business Source: Bylaws
Voting Types/Requirements to Pass Short track ballots Vote is required (affirmative or negative) for continuing ballot on short track Affirmative vote of at least 3/4 of total jurisdictions required for continuation 3/4 = 44 affirmative votes Less than 44 votes = ballot dies Source: R1620.200
Voting Types/Requirements to Pass Full track ballots Sponsor may request vote for or against placing full track ballot on short track ballot process Affirmative vote of at least 3/4 of total jurisdictions required to move ballot to short track = 44 affirmative votes Less than 44 votes = remains full track Source: R1620.100
Voting Types/Requirements to Pass Straw votes Ballot sponsors may request a straw vote to determine the level of support for a ballot proposal Not a binding vote
Voting Types/Requirements to Pass Other matters requiring 3/4 affirmative vote or 44 jurisdictions Consensus Board Interpretations (CBI’s) Resolutions of Expulsion Source: R1720, R1555.200
Voting in Toronto Election of Trustees to Board General business - approval of minutes Short track ballots Full track ballots
Can We do Business? Bylaws require a quorum to conduct business Quorum = 2/3 majority of active member jurisdictions or 39 jurisdictions
Can We do Business in Toronto? Jurisdictions not represented - x Jurisdictions in attendance - x Jurisdictions represented by proxy - x Jurisdictions represented - x
Let’s get down to business. Thanks to our attending jurisdictions, our proxies and the jurisdictions designating them. Let’s get down to business.