Company background Maks & Tom Formed in 2001 by Marko and Tomislav Maksimovic Factories and employees Export : Germany and Switzerland Maks & Tom Lingva Business English Projects
Company principles Listen to and satisfy our customers Good service Quality Outstanding results Employees Lingva Business English Projects
Purchasing vs. financial success Close together Stocks Orders and prices Costs Payment Lingva Business English Projects
Purchasing department 12 officers responsible for different groups of material Stocks at a resonable level Evaluating prices of the raw material Conducting negotiations Cooperating with all departments: finance, quality, logistics, planning, warehouse Lingva Business English Projects
Requirements for suppliers Deliver material on time Quantity, quality and safety Prices as agreed Feedback Lingva Business English Projects
Negotiating with suppliers Present the company, results and plans Careful preparation Realistic view Lingva Business English Projects
Supplier selection process The best offer Wide range of factors besides price, payment and delivery: reliability, financial stability, good service and professional communication Renew and review contracts Lingva Business English Projects
To outsource or to insource Outsourcing: part of production in India Insourcing: a new facility for our assembly lines Lingva Business English Projects
Future trends in purchasing Strong competition and constant changes New strategies with proactive aproach Cooperation with suppliers and customers, the Internet, green purchasing, human resources Innovation and improvements Lingva Business English Projects
Photo credits Lingva Business English Projects Quote web addresses of illustrations used in your presentation. Useful link to find free photos: https://www.flickr.com/search/?advanced=1&license=4%2C5%2C6%2C9%2C 10