Ultrasound Examinations Indications Evaluation of the site of pain (e.g. gall bladder). Evaluation of liver disease. Diagnosis of renal or ureter stone. Diagnosis of thrombus at artery or vein. Evaluation of pregnancy through different stages. 3&4D evaluation of fetus.
Patient preparation for US examinations Patient should fast for 6-8 hours before examination. Diner should not contain any milk products.\ Patient should take rectal enema before the examination to empty the small and large intestine. Patient should take 6 carbon tablets before 6 hours of the examination.
CT Examinations Indication of CT examinations Detect cancer site, size and extent. Guidance of recent procedures of tumor treatment as radiofrequency ablation. Detection of different disease that may affect the bone and tissue such as arthritis, abnormal bone growths, bony changes seen in metabolic conditions. Detection and diagnosis of bone and tissue cancer. Locate foreign bodies in soft tissues around or in bones.
Common preparation for CT examinations Patient preparation before CT examinations in different from examination to another for example part, but abdomen and pelvis examinations needs preparation as mentioned in US examinations.
MRI Examinations Indication of MRI examinations Assess the examined organ anatomy. Visualize anatomical variations and diseased tissue in the examined organ. Help plan surgeries on the spine such as decompression of a pinched nerve or spinal fusion. Monitor changes in the examined organ after an operation, such as scarring or infection. Guide the injection of steroids to relieve spinal pain. Assess the disks-bulging, degenerated or herniated intervertebral disk a frequent cause of severe lower back pain and sciatica. Evaluate compressed (or pinched) and inflamed nerves. Detection of ligamentous tears. Detection of organs, muscles, joints and ligaments different disease(tumors-inflammations- congenital).
Common preparation for MRI examinations The strong magnet inside the MRI machine needs a special dealing with all metals that may be found with the patient. Remove all metals before the examination and this includes keys, jewels and glasses. Patient should fast for 6-8 hours before examination. Dinner should not contain ay milk products. Patient should take rectal enema before examination to empty the small and large intestine.
Arthrography Arthrography is a contrast-media study of synovial joints and related soft tissue structures. The joints include the hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and temporomandibular joints. With arthrography the technique of examination is similar for all the joints, with variations occurring primarily due to anatomic differences. Arthrogram studies of the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are occasionally performed, where contrast media is seen in the temporomandibular joint space in lateral open- and closed-mouth positions. The mandibular condyle can be seen outlined by the contrast medium within the TMJ joint capsule (small arrows). Arthrography of the shoulder and knee are the most common of arthrogram procedures being performed today and are described and illustrated in this chapter.
Knee Arthrography Purpose Knee arthrography is performed to demonstrate and assess the knee joint and associated soft tissue structures for pathologic processes. The structures of major interest include the joint capsule; menisci; and collateral, cruciate, and other minor ligaments. These structures are visualized through the introduction of a contrast medium into the joint capsule with fluoroscopic spot filming and/or conventional radiographic filming or with digital fluoroscopy/ imaging.
Indications Knee arthrography is indicated when tears of the joint capsule, menisci, or ligaments are suspected. The knee is a joint subject to considerable stress, especially during sports activities. Therefore many of the pathologic processes seen in the knee are due to trauma. An example of a nontraumatic pathologic process indicating arthrography is a Baker's cyst, which communicates with the joint capsule in the popliteal area. Patient Preparation Any arthrographic procedure should be thoroughly explained before the examination proceeds to preclude unnecessary anxiety on the part of the patient. The patient should be advised of any complications and must sign an informed consent form.