Multi-billion dollar industry Viewing porn once a month or more: 18-30 years: Men 79%, Women 76% 31-49 years: Men 67%, Women 16% 50-68 years: Men 49%, Women 4% Viewing porn several times per week or more: 18-30 years: Men 63%, Women 21% 31-49 years: Men 38%, Women 5% 50-68 years: Men 25%, Women 0%
Regular churchgoers are 26% less likely “Fundamentalist” Christians 91% more likely Among churches of Christ: Art Adams regularly sees ~25% of people in any given congregation who will admit publicly that porn has affected someone in their family And that’s only those bold enough to raise their hands
Almost 100% of people are exposed to porn before age 18 (purposely or by accident) Average age of first exposure to porn is 11 True of boys and girls alike
Porn has a host of negative effects Physical Psychological Emotional Spiritual Shares many characteristics w/ addictive drugs Widespread, accessible, cheap, and private
Centerfolds, but much more than that now Tens of millions of websites devoted to porn Most popular website had 92 billion views in 2016 Many forms of porn: Video (more common with men) Pictures (more common with men) Written erotica (more common with women) Lewd chatrooms (more common with women) All of it is equally sinful!
Earlier stats only included “official” porn Porn by a different name is common Fifty Shades of Grey Game of Thrones and Westworld Many movies rated R or even PG-13 with sex scenes that aren’t “officially” porn Advertising No matter what we call it, if it is lewd and provocative, it is sin!
If there’s no fornication, is it actually sin? Yes! Matthew 5:27-30 Galatians 5:19-21 Proverbs 6:20-29 We cannot let sin control us – Rom. 6:12-14 Porn is cheap imitation of a blessing from God Proverbs 5:15-20 Hebrews 13:4
It is not a sin to be tempted – James 1:14-15 Make a covenant with your eyes – Job 31:1-4 Learn to “bounce” your eyes Remember Joseph, who ran from temptation!
Tips for married people Use your spouse as a resource It can be difficult to talk about pornography Your spouse is your greatest ally! Be accountable
Tips for parents Remember that average age of first exposure to porn is 11 You need to talk with your kids about this Your kids will learn about sex from someone They need to know what is out there and why porn is wrong They need to know what to do when they see something inappropriate Model good behaviors
Tips for everyone Porn is difficult to quit because of how anonymous it is Create accountability! There are a variety of tools and resources Whatever you have to do, do it to overcome your sin! Be active in prayer and study
We have spent enough time in lewdness and lust! (1 Peter 4:1-4)