INFRA-2009-3.1: ERA-NET supporting cooperation for research infrastructures in all S&T fields NCP infoday Capacities – Research Infrastructures Call-5 Bonn, 4 february 2009 “The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission”
Important dates Timetable Call publication: 09.12.2008 INFRA-2009-3.1 Important dates Timetable Call publication: 09.12.2008 Closing date: 17.03.2009 Evaluation: May 2009 Further information on the INFSO/F3 web site:
Expected Outcome INFRA-2009-3.1 Develop and strengthen the cooperation and coordination of national and/or regional programmes for research infrastructure Reminders: topic open to all fields of science and technology proposals may be specific to a type of research infrastructures or generic eligible partners are only programme owners, which are typically national/regional ministries/governments responsible for defining, financing or managing research programme and programme managers such as research councils or funding agencies
INFRA-2009-3.1 Expected Impact Develop a European policy for research infrastructures, addressing the specific needs for international cooperation in this field, thus achieving critical mass and driving global policies Contribute to the emergence of sustainable approaches for the provision of cross-disciplinary research services
Examples of activities INFRA-2009-3.1 Examples of activities Information exchange Definition and preparation of joint activities Implementation of joint activities
Budget & Call Information INFRA-2009-3.1 Budget & Call Information Indicative budget 1.6 MEuro Funding Scheme Coordination and Support Action 1 instrument Coordination Action (CA)
Contact & Further Information INFRA-2009-3.1 Contact & Further Information Contact Enric Mitjana, Monika Kacik Further information