The Roaring Life of the 1920’s Traditional attitudes vs. Modern ways of thinking
The clash over evolution, Prohibition, and Urbanization were evidence of the changes and conflicts occurring during the 1920’s. This leads to WOMEN redefining their roles in society….
Who were Flappers? Flappers- 1920’s free-thinking young women who embraced new fashions and attitudes. (People such as Coco Chanel) Embraced Not showing their female figure Close fitting hats bright waistless dresses an inch above the knee Pumps Bob hair cuts Dances such as fox trot, camel walk, tango
Young women change the rules Flappers – symbol of young rebellion Skirts above the knee! Short, boyish hair “kiss-proof” lipstick women wanted equal status with men. smoked cigarettes,, drank in public, wanted equal partnership in marriage The Double Standard Miss America Pageant Women were expected to observe stricter standards of behavior than men Casual dating increased, but men only officially “courted” women who they would marry Coco Chanel sporting short hair wearing one of her simple jersey outfits and revealing bare arms and flesh toned stockings.
Women shed older roles at home and at work New work opportunities Nurses, Teachers, Secretaries, librarians, social workers Unequal treatment and wages Male view that women really belonged in the home The Changing Family Lower birthrate from increased birth control Marriages from personal choice rather than family Teenagers spend more time with other kids their age, and less with family Child labor laws limit house income
Family “I considered time for reading clubs and my children more important than…careful housework and I just don’t do it.” –Indiana woman in 1920s.