What type of matter does not contain materials that were once part of living things? Answer
inorganic Home
What is fracture? Answer
This is how a mineral looks when it breaks apart in an irregular, blocky way. Home
What is cleavage? Answer
When a mineral breaks or splits along flat surfaces. Home
What is inorganic matter? Answer
Matter that does not contain materials that were once part of living things. Home
Define mineral Answer
A naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has a crystal structure and a definite chemical composition. Home
What is the streak of a mineral? Answer
The color left behind when a rock is rubbed against a ceramic tile. Home
How do you determine the hardness of a mineral? Answer
The scratch test Home
What is harder a diamond or a streak plate? Answer
A diamond, so it does not leave a streak. Home
If you were going to make a rock, what would you use for ingredients? Answer
minerals Home
What scale is used to rate hardness of minerals? Answer
Moh’s hardness scale . Home
Which rock type can have a record of the events that happened when it was being formed? Answer
Sedimentary Home
What happens to sedimentary rocks that turns them into igneous rocks? Answer
The rock melts into magma ( at a subduction zone) and then cools into rock. Home
What process happens to rock inside the crust to create magma? Answer
melting Home
What type of temperatures are needed to make magma Answer
High temperatures are needed to melt the rock into magma Home
How does lava become igneous rock? Answer
Erupting from a volcano or vent and cooling on the surface of the crust. Home
What two actions change igneous or sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock? Answer
Heating and pressure Home
When heat and pressure are applied to limestone, it turns into the metamorphic rock named _____. Answer
marble Home
What type of rock forms when pebbles and small pieces of sand settle to the bottom of the ocean and get compressed? Answer
Sedimentary Home
Which rock type can have a record of the events that happened when it was being formed? Answer
Sedimentary Home
Rock particles that are melted and then cool and harden are considered what type of rock? Answer
Igneous rock Home
A rock with large crystal sizes shows that it cooled quickly or slowly? Answer
It cooled slowly Home
When sedimentary rock has large pebbles, is it called detrital or chemical rock? Answer
Detrital rock Home
What part of the crust is the site of melting rocks? Answer
Deeper in the crust in a magma pit. Home
What is chemical weathering? Answer
When liquids like acid rain slowly dissolve rocks or statues made of rock. Home
What are the four processes that rocks must go through to become sediments and sedimentary rock? Answer
Weathering, erosion, cementation, compaction Home