Excursion around Mysterious Saint Petersburg as motivation to learn the history of our city.
The subject of my research is Mysterious Saint Petersburg. The objective of my work is to summarize the research of students of the 8 grade conducted on this subject after taking the course of the History of Saint Petersburg in English. We were extremely interested if our city could be the haunted city as it has always been famous for its extraordinary mysteries and was described as a mysterious place by Pushkin, Gogol and Dostoevsky. We were curious to know if we could make up our own excursion around the city based on its mystical places.
Tools of research It was teamwork, nearly 20 students participated. Each of us found a place in the city connected with a legend about the most commonly met ghost in our city. Sources of information https://www.fiesta.city/spb/places/top-5-zabroshennyh-domov-s-privideniyami-peterburga/ A.S. Pushkin “The bronze horsemen” F.M. Dostoevsky “Poor people” N.V. Gogol ‘Shinel ’, ‘the Nose ’ S. Popov «Mysteries of Saint Petersburg»
Classification ghosts which appeared due to reforms So, most ghosts can be divided into two groups ghosts which appeared due to reforms 1. The Bronze horseman 2. Ghost of Paul I 3. Ghost of the Hermitage ghosts which appeared due to revolts 1. Peter and Paul fortress ghosts – the eagles 2. Ghost of Sofia Perovskaya 3. Ghosts of the Decembrists in Peter and Paul fortress
The ghost of the Bronze Horseman is said to bring sufferings to those who meet it . The opponents of reforms symbolized this monument with the Horseman of Apocalypse
Комментарии и обсуждения на: https://4stor Комментарии и обсуждения на: https://4stor.ru/legendi/61845-mistika-sankt-peterburga.html Paul I Reigning of Paul I also caused a lot of mystical legends. Known in Europe as the Russian Hamlet, he himself believed in prediction of his fate by the ghost of Peter I but was killed by his opponents in Michailovsky castle built to be a fortress to save the emperor’s life.
The Hermitage is considered one of the most haunted places in our city
It is said by many people including the staff of the Hermitage that the ghost of Nicholas I was noticed there at night. This emperor of Russia was noted for numerous social reforms which were accepted indignantly by Russian nobility.
Half of buildings of our city are supposed to have been built in anomalous zones, for example, Peter and Paul fortress was founded on the site of an ancient pagan sanctuary and the first person who sacrificed there was Peter I. He took great care of the eagles which lived there as he considered them the heralds of the eternity.
Conclusion 1. After discussing the reasons of ghosts appearance in our city, we came to conclusion that each of them was seen in its special mystical place with a unique historic background. I admit that they can be imagined by people but still no one can deny the fact that all mysteries can be found after tragic events influencing the people’s minds. 2. Taking everything into consideration, the research about mysteries of Saint Petersburg can also be seen as a new and amazing way of learning its history. It helps to better memorize different historic events through legends and ghost stories. 3. Besides, speaking about Saint Petersburg as a city of Pushkin, Gogol and Dostoevsky, the most mystical Russian writers, this research caused the interest to their books among my classmates and later it can also help to understand them better . 4. Our research can be used as an enchanting excursion around Saint Petersburg and for our lessons of the History of Saint Petersburg.