Some Thoughts about Webquest By Bernie Dodge
What is a Webquest A webquest is an inquiry based activity where-in some of the materials that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet. There are two levels of WebQuests
Short Term Webquest Knowledge acquisition and integration Learner acquires a large volume of information and is able to comprehend the information Time of completion is approximately one to two class periods
Long Term Webquest Deducing Analyzing errors Constructing support abstraction Comparing Classifying Inducing Analyzing perspectives
Critical Attributes Introduction: sets the stage and provides background information Task: ability to perform and interesting Information sources: allows for the completion of task Process: method of completing task Guidance and conclusion
Non-critical Attributes Group Activities Motivational Elements: role playing such as (scientist, detective, reporter) Capable of use within a single discipline or interdisciplinary
Design Steps Locate available resources Organize knowledge of available resources Identify topics that are aligned to curriculum Use appropriate materials on line Use a template as a guide for the creation of a short term, single discipline
Samples to Webquest Design Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators: Webquest in Our future:
References Clarke.,J.H. (1990 patterns of thinking: Integrating learning) skills in content teaching. Needham Heights MA: Allyn and Bacon Marzano, R.J., Brandt, R.S., Hughes, CS., Jones., B.F.m Presseisen, B.Z., Rankin Marzano.R.J. (1992). A different kind of classroom
Sample Webquest www.BlueWeb’n