Getting Ready for IPMA Level D® Certification in the USA 1.4
Presentation Overview The Level D Exam: The IPMA ICB (Individual Competence Baseline) Sample questions and scoring Completing your application: Application form Self-assessment form
The IPMA ICB (Individual Competence Baseline) The ICB provides the primary basis for the Level D assessment. 1
Module Overview IPMA standards Structure of the ICB Competence elements Key competence indicators (KCIs)
IPMA Standards
Structure of the ICB Thirty Competence Elements (CEs): Three Domains: Perspective Personal Practice Three Domains: Project Management Program Management Portfolio Management
28 CEs Assessed at Level D Perspective: Personal: Strategy Governance, structures and processes Compliance, standards and regulations Power and interest Culture and values Personal: Self-reflection and self-management Personal integrity and reliability Personal communication Relations and engagement Leadership Teamwork Conflict and crisis Resourcefulness Negotiation Results orientation
… continued Practice: Project design Finance Requirements and objectives Scope Time Organization and information Quality Finance Resources Procurement Plan and control Risk and opportunity Stakeholders Change and transformation
Sample CE Definition Risk and opportunity includes the identification, assessment, response planning and implementation, and control of risks and opportunities in projects. Risk and opportunity management helps decision makers make informed choices, prioritize actions, and distinguish among alternative courses of action. Risk and opportunity management is an ongoing process taking place throughout the project.
Competence Indicators Develop and implement a risk management framework Identify risks and opportunities Assess the probability and impact of risks and opportunities Select strategies and implement response plans to address risks and opportunities Evaluate and monitor risks, opportunities, and implemented responses These have been slightly edited to fit onto a single slide.
Sample Questions and Scoring 2
Two Parts 60 multiple-choice questions in 50 minutes: Could address any competence element 4 options and one right answer 10 short-essay questions in 120 minutes: All 29 competence elements addressed by at least one question
MC Question Design One, and only one, right answer Key words (not, least, except) underlined Correct answers balanced (usually 12-18 of each) All questions conform to best practices: No excess text No trick questions No obscure references
Sample Multiple-Choice Question Cost and schedule risk can be directly mitigated through the use of: simulations. decision trees. reserves. status reports.
Explanation for Answer Directly is the key word in the question stem, and that is why it is underlined. Options a, b, and c may all be used in risk analysis, but none would directly mitigate any identified risk.
Sample Short-Essay Question Draw and label a probability-impact matrix. Describe how it is used. Scoring Guidance Max Pts. Drawing: probability on one axis 2 Drawing: impact (or effect) on the other axis Drawing: at least 3 columns and at least 3 rows 1 Description: estimate/evaluate probability and impact 4 Description: place risks in correct cell Description: use to prioritize risks 7 Total 20
Short-Essay Discussion Scoring Guidance ensures consistency Assessors can award 0 to maximum points Maximum of 20 points for each question Grammar and punctuation are not scored
Passing Score Passing score is 70%: Multiple-choice section is worth 50 points Short-essay section is worth 200 points Total score of 175 required to pass
Summary of Key Points
Six sections. Simple and straightforward. Application Form Six sections. Simple and straightforward. 3
Application Sections General information Assurances and releases Personal information Exam and interview dates Required supporting information Pre-submittal checklist and payment
Start your application by checking the box for Level D. If you think you might be eligible for a higher level, contact IPMA-USA for advice before submitting your application.
Your assessment must be completed within 18 months. The General Information section has links to all the documents you will need. Your assessment must be completed within 18 months.
Releases are your choice. All assurances must be marked “yes” or your application will be rejected. Releases are your choice.
This information should all be self-explanatory. Starred fields are required.
Provide professional references, not personal references. References must be familiar with your work. References are normally contacted via email with a link to an online survey.
Section 4 is for individual applicants only. Individuals applicants must provide 3 options.
Check the boxes as indicated; sign and date your application. Make your payment online.
What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses? Self-Assessment Form What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses? 4
Overview Structure — competence elements by group Purpose — get you familiar with the ICB Why you should care — self-assessment may alert you to weaknesses before you sit for your exam
First page has General Information and Instructions. Contact IPMA-USA if you have questions or problems.
Identify 6-8 strengths and 6-8 weaknesses. Scoring instructions are repeated in lavender block: S = strengths; W = weaknesses Identify 6-8 strengths and 6-8 weaknesses.
As you enter your scores, the Overall sections will display your current totals. There is one Overall section at the top of the worksheet and another at the bottom.
Contact: with questions or suggestions.
Version Control Version Date Approved Approved by Summary of Changes 1.0 January 2017 W.R. Duncan Initial version 1.1 Added Creative Commons license Added closing slide Modified Self-assessment clips to show knowledge only 1.2 May 2017 Updated color scheme and slide designs to new standard Corrected several typos Updated clips of application to reflect current version 1.3 June 2017 Replaced blank examples with completed examples Updated for change to 10 Short-Essay questions Removed references to other levels Converted to 16:9 format Moved Exam section to front, after ICB 1.4 October 2017 Updated Self-Assessment section to reflect changes in form