Eighth Grade Science Mrs. Nelson
My Background: Grew up in Lenoir City Student of Eaton, NMS, and LCHS University of Tennessee, Knoxville BS in General Science MS in Curriculum and Instruction Working on Ed.S. in Science Education Teaching career: Knox County (Farragut Middle and West Valley Middle) Loudon County (NMS)
Personal Live in Lenoir City Family Aspirations
Science Class Curriculum content: Embedded Inquiry and Technology, Classification and Adaptations/Biodiversity, Fossils, Atoms, Physical and Chemical changes, Elements Compounds and Mixtures, Balancing Equations, Acids and Bases, Electromagnets, Forces of Gravity, Science Fair Project. Very empirical philosophy
Classroom Guidelines PROMPT PREPARED POLITE PURPOSEFUL POSITIVE In order to maximize our learning time I request that you are: PROMPT PREPARED POLITE PURPOSEFUL POSITIVE
Procedures Beginning of class Enter quietly, find assigned seat (no backpacks), have computers out and ready First 5 minutes for completing starter, having any HW complete, sharpening pencils and pass out papers. See Science Starter (SS) for specific instructions Starters discussed and checked for points Summary (SUM) answers also checked Paper collection several ways: By table Collected by myself Turn into the tray as individual
Assignments Total point system Categories for assignments Grades in blue Assignments expected on time Name, Date, Class period, Title in upper right corner Grades online Do your best!!! Assessments: 70% of your grade will be assessments Quizzes given frequently Many summaries will be counted as assessment grades Exceptionally important
Make-up work You are responsible for checking upon return from an absence for missing work Board Planner Missing work file Class webpage Come see me Friday Find= mentors come to get you for any missing assessments not completed Please see North Middle handbook for specific timeframe related to make-up work. It is your responsibility to complete make-up work within a timely manner.
Materials Computer Folder/Binder Pen or pencil Science spiral Workbook Other
Miscellaneous Quieting Class Active participation- questioning (NO IDK) Leaving class to go to clinic, bathroom, etc Leaving seat Phones Extra Help Rewards Special “Me” vocab Swapping w/ SS and AB days Waiting in hallway for me or class swap No food or drink in class
Groups Group Expectations Group types Table twin Teacher select You select AB partner Other Birthday months Assigned lab groups etc.
Behavior… On task all the time Best behavior expected Tickets used- please refer to planner for consequences Listen to learn to listen!!! Decisions determine destiny!!!
Emergency Info Fire Drill Tornado Drill Lockdown Expectations
Specific to Last class… Please put chairs up at dismissal Please leave at appropriate time to return to homeroom to store computers. First bus people leave first followed by car riders. Last ones to go to homeroom are late bus people.