Statistical Inference 統計推論 parameter size = N Population e.g. mean, s.d…. e.g. sample mean, sample s.d. Sample size = n sample statistic Random sample: P(a sample) =
Sample Mean Distribution and are fixed, but and s are random variables, So what’s the distribution of the sample mean ?
i.e. The distribution of The mean (i.e. expectation) and the variance of and can be found easily. But we are not satisfied with only TWO single information, we want to know ALL the situation of i.e. The distribution of
If the distribution of X is normal, the distribution of is also normal, since is the linear combination of Xi. BUT, how about if X is NOT normally distributed?
provided that n is sufficiently large. Central Limit Theorem Although X ~ ? we still have approximately, provided that n is sufficiently large. In practice, n > 30. Great!
~N(1800,400) Thus, = 0.1056 Light bulbs, = 1800 hrs, = 200 hrs. E.g. 5 Light bulbs, = 1800 hrs, = 200 hrs. Find the prob. that a random sample of 100 bulbs will have average life > 1825 hrs But, by CLT, we know the sample mean’s distribution!! We don’t know what’s the distribution of bulbs’ life!! ~N(1800,400) Thus, = 0.1056
=30n Var(X) = nVar(Xi) =n82 By CLT, X~N(30n,64n) By question, E.g. 7 A driver is allowed to work max. 10 hrs per day. Journey time per delivery: = 30 min., = 8 min. How many deliveries so as to less than 1/1000 chance of exceeding 10 hrs. =30n Var(X) = nVar(Xi) =n82 By CLT, X~N(30n,64n) By question, By table, P(X > 600) 0.001 P(z>3.09) = 0.001
To ensure the chance < 0.001, we can take: 4.08 or 4.9 (rejected) n 16 Hence we should schedule 16 or less deliveries per day.
Let X = total points = 3.5 By CLT, = 0.236 E.g. 10 A die is cast sixty times. Estimate the probability that the total number of points is less than or equal to 200. Let X = total points = 3.5 E(X) = 603.5 = 210 By CLT, Var(X) = 6035/12 = 175 X ~ N(210,175) P(X 200) = = 0.236