Tuesday, September 27 Freshman English
Entry Task Pass the attendance clipboard around silently. Sign in. Get your Composition Books. Finish numbering the pages of your Composition Books. (If you need your books to be taped together, please quietly ask Mrs. Weber…)
Learning Targets Begin preparing notebooks for regular use in class. Preview basic vocabulary of the unit. Identify and analyze how a writer’s use of language creates a distinct voice. Cite textual evidence of voice to support inferences about a speaker.
Notebook Preparation Number all the pages, front and back, throughout the book. We will add tab dividers tomorrow to identify the beginning of each section. Glue in the opening page / notebook overview. Glue in the unit vocabulary overview. Record definitions for key terms as follows: Infer: Voice: Diction: Syntax: Imagery:
Definitions Record the definitions for the following terms on page 13 of your notebook: Infer: to make an inference is to come to a conclusion about ideas or information not directly stated. You infer something based on reasoning and evidence (details). Formula: BK + AW = inference. Voice: a writer’s (or speaker’s) distinctive use of language to express ideas as well as his or her persona. Tone: a writer’s or speaker’s attitude toward the subject. Tone is conveyed through the person’s choice of words and detail.
More definitions Diction: Word choice intended to convey a certain effect Syntax: sentence structure; the arrangement of words and the order of grammatical elements in a sentence Imagery: the words or phrases, including specific details and figurative language, that a writer uses to represent persons, objects, actions, feelings, and ideas descriptively by appealing to the senses.