The Gold Rush By: Shannon Solorzano
Who has the Gold Fever? Gold fever- the dream of finding gold and getting rich Sam Brannan shouted,GOLD!GOLD!1 Gold from the American River People traveled from San Francisco, Monterey, and San Jose
The 49ers (not just a football team) 100,000 people were **100,000 people were first to arrive in 1849 first to arrive in 1849 The 49ers football team ***The 49ers football team got their name because people traveled from San Francisco to the Gold Rush in
California……..… knows how to travel Cape- a point of land that reaches out into the ocean Clipper ships- the fastest ships of the time Isthmus- a narrow piece of land that connects two larger land areas Swamp- a low, wet area, usually covered by shallow water
High Ho, High Ho off to the Mining Camps we go The miners used to sing Oh, Susanna to pass time They set up camp and worked in their claim (the area a miner said belonged to him or her) Life was hard in the mining camps- barely any food and little medicine
Picks and Stones may break my bones, but mines will never hurt me Shovels Pickaxes Cradle- it was rocked back and forth like a babys cradle Hydraulic- mining to reach the gold that was deeper in the ground
Its A Small World After All Small cities into big cities Industry- all the businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service Entrepreneur- a person who sets up a new business Free enterprise- a kind of economy in which people can own and run their own businesses
Fun Facts In 1873, Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis made the first denim pants with metal rivets (corners of the pockets to make them stronger) Miners often called their camps funny namesBed Bug, Skunk Gulch, Rough and Ready, and Rich Dry Diggings
Comprehension Questions What are the three places that people traveled from to go to the Gold Rush? How did the Forty-Niners receive their name? Name one of the ways that the people traveled to the Gold Rush Was the mining camps easy or hard? Name one of the tools that the miners used to look for gold What is an entrepreneur?
Thinking Questions? Impact on the environment Compare and Contrast- Recent historical event vs. Gold Rush Affect on Californias population
The Forty-Niners Information about the Forty-Niners The Journey of the Forty-Niners Map of the journey to the Gold Rush San Francisco 49ers Symbol of the 49ers football team Harcourt Brace Social Studies Information about the Gold Rush