Barriers to Care Experienced by Women in the United States Visualizing Health Policy Infographic Kaiser Family Foundation and JAMA June 2019
Average health spending per capita, by age and gender, 2015 Women incur greater health care costs than men, particularly during the reproductive years Average health spending per capita, by age and gender, 2015 SOURCE: Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker. Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Women are more likely to go without care because of cost, despite decreases in uninsured rates NOTE: Among women and men ages 18-64. SOURCES: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health Insurance Coverage Estimates from National Health Interview Survey. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2017 Kaiser Women’s Health Survey and 2017 Kaiser Men’s Health Survey.
By age group, share of women reporting they: Younger women are more likely to say they do not have a regular clinician and did not obtain timely care as a result By age group, share of women reporting they: NOTE: Among women ages 18-64. *Indicates a statistically significant difference from 55-64 years; p<.05. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation, 2017 Kaiser Women’s Health Survey.
Share of women reporting that they recently had: Women who do not have a regular clinician are less likely to receive certain preventive services Share of women reporting that they recently had: NOTE: Among women ages 18-64. Mammogram and pap in prior 2 years. Clinician counseling in past 3 years. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation, 2017 Kaiser Women’s Health Survey.
Women are more likely than men to have a pre-existing health condition and express concern about losing protections SOURCES: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of data from National Health Interview Survey and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2015. KFF Health Tracking Poll, August 2018.
Cost barriers to contraception have decreased for insured women since the ACA’s contraceptive coverage requirement took effect NOTES: Among privately insured women ages 18-44 who reported they used a prescription contraceptive in the past 12 months. Total may not add to 100% due to missing data. Includes oral contraceptives, long-acting reversible contraceptives, injections, patch, ring, among others. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013 and 2017 Kaiser Women’s Health Surveys.