The Catholic Reformation Oct 12th, 2010 The Catholic Reformation
What does the word Reform mean? What does the word Re-affirm mean?
The need for Catholic Church reform & re-emphasis was urgent
Pope Paul III 1534 - 1549 Sought to stop the spread of Protestantism & get protestants to turn back to Catholicism Response to Gains of Protestantism Critics w/in the church hoping to institute reforms
Council of Trent (1545-1563)
The Council made NO concessions to Protestant doctrine Re-affirmed correct Catholic Doctrine
Reaffirmed 7 sacraments Priesthood is special & separate from laity Transubstantiation
Latin was the official language of services Celibacy for the Clergy The theory & practice of indulgences were restated
Salvation by both “good works” & faith Purgatory Salvation by both “good works” & faith Preserved the Papacy as the center of unity of Catholcism
Reforms abuses in sale of indulgences curtailed, sale of church offices curtailed, bishops given greater control over clergy, seminaries established to train priests
Approved the Index of Forbidden Books Banned (in Catholic countries) books that supported Protestantism and/or were critical of the Church Led to book-burning
New Religious Orders
Jesuits (Society of Jesus) 3 Goals reform the church through education spread the Gospel to pagan people fight Protestantism
Ignatius Loyola Founder Soldiers of Christ Organized in military fashion Spiritual Exercises: Guidebook used to train Jesuits
Jesuits would later oversee the inquisitions in Spain & Italy
Inquisitions Spain Persecution of Christian Moors & Jews (Converted) who were suspected of going back to their original faiths
Italy Pope Paul IV accused Jews of killing Christ In the Papal States, Jews were ordered to be placed in Ghettos
Catholic Reformation Effects Succeeded in returning people back to Catholicism in Southern Germany Eastern Europe Jesuit Schools were among the finest in Europe
Impact of the Reformation on Women
Protestant leaders felt that women’s duties were to be at home Marriage became more compassionate, emphasizing the love relationship between man & wife.
Increased emphasis on teaching people to read the Bible resulted in an increase in women’s literacy.
Protestant women, however, lost opportunities in church service that many Catholic women pursued (e.g. becoming nuns).
Women gradually lost rights to manage their own property or to make legal transactions in their own name.