Understanding Standards: Art & Design (Advanced Higher) Design An overview of course assessment
What this presentation covers overview course structure preparing candidates design portfolio evaluation contextual analysis
An overview of what is changing and/or what is not changing The content of the course has not changed. Content previously only assessed in the units is now included in the course assessment. The marks for the practical work have increased from 60 to 64. The marks for the evaluation have been reduced from 10 to 6. Candidates must complete their evaluation on the SQA template.
Course Structure Coursework assessment task — 100 marks Contains three sections: practical design work: 64 marks contextual analysis: 30 marks evaluation: 6 marks
Practical design work The removal of unit assessment has led to amendments in the practical design work. Investigation and initial development previously in the units is now assessed here. Marking instructions have been restructured.
Portfolio assessment task The portfolio assessment task is set by centres under the conditions specified by SQA. The portfolio is externally marked and quality assured.
Presenting your practical design work Candidates can present their practical design work in a number of ways: The overall minimum size for practical work is 8 single-sided A1 sheets (or equivalent). The overall maximum size for practical work is 16 single-sided A1 sheets (or equivalent). Sketchbooks are included in the overall allocation. 3D work is included in the overall allocation. Evaluation template must be attached to the first sheet. If practical design work exceeds the maximum, a penalty is applied.
Practical design work Candidates should submit photographic prints and not the actual work for the following: two-dimensional work in excess of A1 size work using valuable or expensive equipment work of a fragile nature work which is large, heavy or otherwise difficult to handle
Practical design work Throughout the folio candidates have the opportunity to demonstrate skills knowledge and understanding by: selecting a design brief producing design work -investigative research -development of ideas -resolution and realisation of design work applying an understanding of design practice by using materials, techniques and/or technology to experiment with visual elements
Portfolio assessment task: preparing candidates The portfolio assessment task is published on the SQA website. This contains: instructions for teachers and lecturers marking instructions instructions for candidates
Marking instructions The marking instructions for the practical design work and the evaluation have been restructured and marks are now awarded as follows: Process - 32 marks Skills - 32 marks Evaluation - 6 marks
Marking instructions — practical design work Process Candidates provide evidence of their ability to respond to their design brief by: producing a visually coherent and sustained design process showing relevant investigative research and development leading to the effective resolution and realisation of design work
Marking instructions — practical design work Skillsvidence of their ability to select a design Candidates provide evidence of their ability to apply their understanding of design practice by skilfully and creatively using materials, techniques and/or technology to explore and experiment with design elements
Marking instructions - evaluation Candidates provide evidence of their ability to evaluate the impact of: creative decisions and the effectiveness of their design work with reference to the theme or stimulus creative intentions and specific turning points
Contextual analysis Candidates must produce a contextual analysis by selecting a single design work with a clear connection to their practical design work and discuss the impact of related contexts through analysing the features of the design work. the term ‘design work’ can be interpreted in its broadest sense and may be a group of closely related works The contextual analysis has a maximum of 2,000 words. If the word count exceeds the maximum by more than 10%, a penalty is applied.
Contextual analysis — command words Discuss Candidates should make connections with contexts to consider how they relate to features of the chosen design work. Analyse Candidates should examine the elements of the work showing how they relate to the work as a whole.
Portfolio assessment task — submission The portfolio assessment task is uplifted at the end of May. Attendance registers (Ex6 forms) will be provided. Candidates must complete a flyleaf and include it with their work. Candidates should number their sheets in the order that they wish them to be viewed. If submitting sketchbooks, candidates should bookmark the pages they wish to be marked.
Useful Links Important information and documents can be accessed through the Art and Design subject page as they are published: Course specification Course support notes Portfolio assessment task Evaluation template
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