DSD Quarterly Performance and Expenditure Report (1 July 2018 – 30 December 2018) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 20 February.


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Presentation transcript:

DSD Quarterly Performance and Expenditure Report (1 July 2018 – 30 December 2018) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 20 February 2019 Portfolio Commitee

Performance per programme Summary of Expenditure Overview Purpose Strategic priorities Programmes purpose Contextual analysis Performance Summary Performance per programme Summary of Expenditure Expenditure per programme Portfolio Commitee

Purpose Purpose: To inform the Portfolio Committee of : The Department’s performance against its pre-determined objectives for the second and third quarters of 2018/19 financial year; The State of Expenditure of the Department at the end of the third quarter of 2018/19 financial year. Portfolio Commitee

Strategic Priorities The Department has identified and committed itself to addressing the following key priorities for the MTSF 2014-19:  Expand Child and Youth Care Services (Isibindi programme) Social Welfare Sector Reform and services to deliver better results Deepening Social Assistance and Extending the scope of Social Security Increase access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) Strengthening Community Development interventions Combat Substance Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Increase household food & nutrition security (Food for All) The protection and promotion of the rights of older persons and people with disabilities Establish Social Protection Systems to strengthen coordination, integration, planning, M&E of services Portfolio Commitee

Programmes Purpose The Department consist for five programme and their purposes are as follows: Programme 1: Administration To provide leadership, management and support services to the Department and the Social Development Sector. Programme 2: Social Assistance To provide social assistance to eligible beneficiaries in terms of the Social Assistance Act and its regulations. Programme 3: Social Security Policy and Administration To provide for social security policy development, administration of social grants, administrative justice and the reduction of incorrect benefits payments. Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support To create an enabling environment for the delivery of equitable developmental welfare services through the formulation of policies, norms and standards and best practices and support implementing agencies. Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery To support community development and promote evidence-based policy making in the Department and the Social Development Sector Portfolio Commitee

Contextual Analysis During 2018, the Department had to reconfirm and reposition itself on its role and functions on the entities that reports to the Minister of Social Development The Department had to reconsider a number of targets in its approved 2018/19 APP in line with the new trajectory of its reconfirmed mandate. This reconsideration of targets had implications for an errata on the APP Some of the targets were submitted for removal while some were amended. Among others, performance areas included programmes such as: Review of the legislations that establishes SASSA, NDA as well as CDA, Amendment Bills to be submitted to Cabinet, Operation Phakisa, Programme Mikondzo, and Development of Community Based Workers Programme The errata APP submissions impacted on the Department’s first quarter performance as reported to the Committee in August 2018 Portfolio Commitee

Contextual Analysis The following is a summary of the targets submitted for errata per programme: Programme 3: Three targets were submitted for removal from the APP, one target for amending and one new target was added. Programme 4: One target was submitted for removal from the APP and two targets were submitted for amending Programme 5: Three targets were submitted for removal from the APP and one target for amending. In summary, seven (7) targets were submitted for removal, four (4) were amended and one was added. Portfolio Commitee

Total number of annual targets in the APP per programme Before errata APP After errata APP Programme 1 7 Programme 2 8 Programme 3 5 3 Programme 4 24 23 Programme 5 18 15 Total Targets 62 56 Portfolio Commitee

Performance Summary Portfolio Commitee

Standard Reporting Format and Rating System For the quarterly report and for ease of analysis, the colour coding/rating system (green, amber and red), is used to rate progress towards meeting pre-determined targets and objectives. On course – no major action needed Moderate risk that some problems exist and as a result the target will not be achieved in the planned time frames- remedial action is needed to avoid this. Certainty that the target will not be achieved or was not achieved in the planned timeframes- major remedial action and urgent intervention is required 10 Portfolio Commitee

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD July 2018 – December 2018 Portfolio Commitee

Achievement of Targets per Programme: 2018-19 Quarter 2 Report No. of Targets achieved No. of targets that were partially achieved No. of targets not achieved Total Targets % contribution of the programme to the APP targets Programme 1 4 1 3 8 14.5% Programme 2 Programme 3 2% Programme 4 13 5 22 40% Programme 5 10 2 15 29% 36 7 12 55 100% Portfolio Commitee

Achievement of Targets per Programme: 2018-19 Quarter 3 Report No. of Targets achieved No. of targets that were partially achieved No. of targets not achieved Total Targets % contribution of the programme to the APP targets Programme 1 3 1 4 8 14.5% Programme 2 Programme 3 2 2% Programme 4 12 7 20 40% Programme 5 11 5 18 29% 35 10 56 100% Portfolio Commitee

Portfolio Commitee

Overall performance analysis Non-achievement of set targets remains a concern as performance further declined in the third quarter, after declining in the second quarter, compared to the first quarter. There are certain performance areas which are unlikely to be achieved at the end of the financial year. This analysis was made by assessing progress against each target for two consecutive quarters (quarters 2 and 3). Some of the annual targets (detailed in the next slide) were not achieved for two consecutive quarters, which increases their likelihood of non-achievement at the end of the financial year. Most of these relates to targets that require Cabinet consideration/approval. Portfolio Commitee

Targets unlikely to be achieved Programme 1 Implementation of key elements of the Sector HR Plan Implementation of entity governance and oversight framework Programme 4 Submission of the White Paper on Social Welfare to Cabinet for approval Approval of the National Plan of Action for Children in SA 2018-2022 National Strategic Framework on Disability Rights awareness campaigns submitted for Cabinet approval Programme 5 Submission of NPO Bill to Cabinet Implementation of the Social Development Youth Policy 1000 cooperatives linked to economic activities Portfolio Commitee

Performance Per Programme Portfolio Commitee


Portfolio Commitee

Human Capital Management Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Implementation of the key elements of the SHRP Conduct sector skills audit Competency Profiles developed and Skills Audit tools Developed Unavailability of Information and Capacity Constraints. Availability of task team members and Technical Expertise Finalisation of tools and roll out Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Monitor the implementation of approved generic structure by provinces The department has revised the generic structure and developed Blue Print Generic structure, however the Blue Print generic structure was not approved. Monitoring of development of structures in provinces continued and support was provided to North West during their structural reconfiguration and alignment process. Through National support the Province developed the draft migration and implementation plans to facilitate the implementation of the organisational structure. The Sector Human Resource Plan which informs the Blue Print generic structure was not approved and that impacted on the approval of the Blue Print generic structure. Portfolio Commitee

Intergovernmental Relations Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate DSD participation in 8 international engagements Facilitate DSD participation in 2 international engagements Facilitated DSD participation in 4 international engagements. No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Facilitate DSD participation in 2 international engagements Facilitated the DSD participation in 7 international engagements in the period under review Portfolio Commitee

Information Management Systems and Technology Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Establish NISIS development governance framework and enhance existing data sources Design and develop prototype for existing system (NPO,CBIMS and NISIS) Designed and developed Prototype for 1. NISIS 2. CBIMS 3. NPO No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Design and Develop prototype for existing systems ( NPO, CBIMS and NISIS) The Development and design of prototype on existing systems i.e. CBIMS and NISIS has been completed, while the NPO system still underway Limited internal resources to execute the redevelopment Department avail funds for the redevelopment of NPO into DSD Integrated Case Management System Portfolio Commitee

Monitoring and Evaluation Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Conduct an evaluation on Project Mikondzo Conduct an evaluation study on Project Mikondzo Literature review updated Draft Theory of Change developed during a workshop with stakeholders Data collection instruments finalised No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Piloting of instruments completed and pilot report was submitted. Fieldwork is currently underway Portfolio Commitee

Finance Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Unqualified audit report on AFS 1st interim financial statements for the 2018/19 financial year submitted for audit The 1st quarter interim financial statements was submitted to National Treasury on 31 July 2018 for audit. No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 2nd interim financial statements for the 2018/19 financial year submitted for audit The 2nd interim financial statements for the 2018/19 financial year was submitted to Treasury Portfolio Commitee


Portfolio Commitee

Social Assistance Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Older persons grant- 3 513 372 3 456 463 3 478 358 No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 3 484 917 3 521 733 Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Child support grant- 12 402 241 12 320 446 12 337 152 No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 12 361 344 12 418 551 Portfolio Commitee

Social Assistance Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action War veterans grant-107 123 113 No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 115 105 Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Disability grant- 1 049 811 1 054 188 1 049 479 No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 1 051 999 1 057 977 Portfolio Commitee

Social Assistance Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Care Dependency grant- 154 353 151 892 148 562 No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 153 122 149 278 Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Foster child grant- 397 888 430 690 446 475 Awareness of beneficiaries on qualifying requirements for FCG and improved accessibility to social grants Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 368 822 343 485 Impact due to programmatic lapsing in line with age attainment Portfolio Commitee

Social Assistance Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Grant-in-aid- 215 880 202 397 206 096 No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 209 139 215 268 Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Social Relief of Distress (SRD) applications awarded- 252 833 56 068 129 695 SRD is need driven and dependent on meeting qualifying criteria Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 102 193 131 469 No deviation Portfolio Commitee


Portfolio Commitee

Social Security Policy Development Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Draft policy on the universalisation of the CSG Applicable in the third quarter Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Draft policy on the universalisation Second version of the draft policy has been completed No deviation Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Discussion paper on the review of SASSA Act Applicable in the third quarter Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Draft discussion paper on the review of SASSA Act First Draft Discussion paper on the review of SASSA Act has been completed. No deviation Portfolio Commitee


Portfolio Commitee

Professional Social Services and Older Persons Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit the White Paper on Social Welfare to Cabinet for approval Consultation with stakeholders   Costing of the White Paper The revised White Paper for Social Development was consulted with all internal stakeholders. The service provider to cost the revised White Paper for Social Development was appointed The technical committee been established to fast track the costing of the whitepaper. Portfolio Commitee

Professional Social Services and Older Persons Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit the White Paper on Social Welfare to Cabinet for approval Presentation of White Paper to FOSAD cluster The Revised White Paper could not be presented to the FOSAD cluster committee The presentation was not done due the delay in the editing and finalisation of the white paper to be tabled at FOSAD Portfolio Commitee

Professional Social Services and Older Persons Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Develop an implementation Plan for the Demand and Supply model for SSPs Costing of the Demand and Supply Model for SSPs The costing for the Demand and Supply Model for Social Service Practitioners was conducted. No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Develop an implementation Plan for the Demand and Supply model for SSPs The implementation plan for the Demand and Supply Model for Social Service Practitioners was developed Portfolio Commitee

Professional Social Services and Older Persons Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Monitor implementation of Recruitment and Retention Strategy for SSPs Progress report on implementation of the Recruitment and Retention Strategy for SSPs Monitored implementation of Recruitment and Retention Strategy for SSPs. Progress report has been produced No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Monitor implementation of Recruitment and Retention Strategy for SSPs Applicable in the 4th quarter Portfolio Commitee

Professional Social Services and Older Persons Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit the SSP Bill to Forum of South African Directors- General (FOSAD) Publish the Bill for public comments Not achieved. Received precertification from the Office of Chief State Law Advisor outside of the reporting period to be able to process for approval to gazette the Bill Portfolio Commitee

Professional Social Services and Older Persons Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 23of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit the Bill to Forum of South African Directors- General (FOSAD) Consolidate inputs in the Social Services Practitioners Bill Inputs consolidated on the SSP Draft Bill No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Professional Social Services and Older Persons Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Conduct Older Person Parliament and Active Ageing Programme Conduct planning in preparation for hosting of Older Planning sessions held in preparation for hosting of Older Persons Parliament and Active Ageing as follows: 1 session in August, and 4 sessions in September 2018. No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Implement Older Persons Parliament and Active Ageing Programme The Older Persons Parliament and Active Ageing Programme were successfully implemented in October in Free State Province Portfolio Commitee

Children Services, Orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Monitor the implementation of the National Integrated Implementation Plan on ECD Policy Consolidated quarterly reports on the implementation of the National Integrated Implementation Plan on ECD Policy. The report on the National Integrated Implementation Plan on ECD policy has been consolidated No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Consolidated quarterly reports on the implementation of the National Integrated Implementation Plan on ECD Policy. The report for the Implementation of the National Integrated Plan on ECD Policy has been consolidated with inputs from other departments Portfolio Commitee

Children Services, Orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Approval of the National Plan of Action for Children in South Africa by 2018-2022 Present the National Plan of Action for Children to the Internal DSD forum Target not achieved External consultation was not completed to be able to present to internal structures Presentation to external to be completed in the third quarter ( National Intersectoral child’s rights committee ) Portfolio Commitee

Children Services, Orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Approval of the National Plan of Action for Children in South Africa by 2018-2022 Present the National Plan of Action for Children to FOSAD Not achieved The document was only presented at Intersectoral child’s rights committee in November 2018. The Plan of action will be presented to internal structures and FOSAD Clusters in the fourth quarter. Portfolio Commitee

Children Services, Orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Monitor the implementation of the Children’s Act Monitor the implementation of the Children’s Act   Presented the children’s Act Monitoring template to the National Child Care and Protection Forum in July 2018. -Conducted two M & E Provincial Engagements on the Children’s Act in Limpopo and Kwa-Zulu Natal in August respectively. No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Collected 6 Provincial progress reports on the implementation of the Children’s Act from LP, MP, NW, FS, NC and WC Portfolio Commitee

Children Services, Orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit the Child Care and Protection Policy to Cabinet for approval Submit the Child Care and Protection Policy to FOSAD clusters for approval Presented the Child Care and Protection Policy to the JCPS Cluster on 03 July 2018. Prepared and submitted an Cabinet Memorandum for noting by the Minister to request Cabinet’s approval of the Child Care and Protection Policy. No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Submit the Child Care and Protection Policy to Cabinet for approval Prepared and submitted an Cabinet Memorandum for noting by the Minister to request Cabinet’s approval of the Child Care and Protection Policy. Portfolio Commitee

Children Services, Orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Develop uniform implementation guidelines for provinces Develop draft implementation guidelines Draft guidelines on Community Based Prevention and Early Intervention Services to Vulnerable Children was developed. No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Consult the relevant stakeholders for inputs National workshop conducted for inputs with relevant stakeholders as follows: 24-26 October 2018 and 06-07 December 2018. Portfolio Commitee

Children Services, Orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Capacitate 9 provinces to implement guidelines and strategies for adoption, foster care and Child and Youth Care Centres (CYCCs) Capacitate 3 provinces to implement the guidelines and strategies for adoption, foster care and CYCCs Three Provinces (Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape and Free State) were capacitated on CYCCs   One province (1) provinces, North West was capacitated on foster care. No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Capacitate 3 provinces to implement the guidelines and strategies for adoption, foster care and CYCCs 3 provinces were trained to implement the guidelines and strategies for adoption, foster care and CYCCs Portfolio Commitee

Children Services, Orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Develop the Intersectoral protocol Consult relevant stakeholders Consultation with relevant stakeholders could not be held Unavailability of provinces on the proposed dates during the reporting period.   A national consultative sessions with provinces will take place in the third quarter. Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Consult relevant stakeholders Consulted stakeholders in North West (19 – 20 November 2018) and Mpumalanga (14 – 15 November 2018) No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Children Services, Orphan and vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Build capacity in 9 provinces on Active Teenage Parenting Programme Capacity building of three provinces to implement the Teenage Parenting Four Teenage parents programme training conducted in Mpumalanga, Limpopo, KZN and North West in the period under review. No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Capacity building of three provinces to implement the Teenage Parenting Programme Capacity building and training workshops were conducted in 2 provinces Gauteng 29-30 November 2018 and Northern Cape 6-7 December 2018 Eastern Cape province postponed their training due to competing priorities. Eastern Cape province will be capacitated on the teenage programme during the 4th quarter Portfolio Commitee

Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Capacity Building in 9 provinces to implement the reviewed policy framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services Capacity building on the reviewed Policy framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services in 3 provinces Capacity building on the Reviewed document was conducted in Western Cape province only. MP – requested for postponement due to preparations for awareness campaigns. EC – there was no available conference facilities to conduct training in Mthatha. Training to be held in East London on 3-5 October 2018. To increase the number of provinces to be trained in the 3rd Quarter Portfolio Commitee

Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Capacity Building in 9 provinces to implement the reviewed policy framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services Capacity building on the reviewed Policy framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services in 3 provinces Capacity building on the reviewed policy framework took place in seven provinces :( EC, FS, NC, NW, MPU, LIMP, and GP. The branch overachieved due to positive cooperation with provinces Portfolio Commitee

Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Conduct awareness campaigns in 9 provinces on multidisciplinary Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Conduct awareness campaigns in 2 provinces on multidisciplinary Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Two awareness campaigns were conducted in Mpumalanga-Ka Bokweni and Gauteng provinces– Ramathopa informal settlement No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Conduct awareness campaigns in 9 provinces on multidisciplinary Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Conduct awareness campaigns in 4 provinces on multidisciplinary Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Education and awareness campaigns took place at the following provinces: Western Cape- 20 October 2018 at Hanoverpark North West- 22-23 November 2018 Mamusa (Bloemhof); Free-State 29 November 2018 - Phuthaditjhaba (Qwaqwa) and Mangaung Northern Cape together KZN provinces moved their awareness campaigns to the fourth 4th quarter The two campaigns will be done in the 4th quarter in February and early March Portfolio Commitee

Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit the reviewed South African Integrated Programme of Action that addresses Gender Based Violence to Cabinet for approval Consultation with the national and provincial stakeholders Conducted nine (09) provincial consultations with provincial stakeholders No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Consultation with the social and JCPS Clusters The consultation with the Social and JCPS Clusters took place during the Special Work Stream meeting on the 12 – 13 November 2018 Portfolio Commitee

Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit draft Anti-Substance Abuse Policy to FOSAD and SPCHD Cluster for approval Consult draft policy with JCPS Cluster As part of the consultation process. The Anti-Substance Abuse Policy policy was presented to JCPS cluster and approved. The policy was also presented to the Technical Working Group of the SPCHD No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Consult draft policy with SPCHD Cluster Consulted draft policy with SPCHD cluster and JCPS cluster. Submitted draft policy to DSD EXCO for approval to Cabinet. Costing plan drafted and submitted to National Treasury Portfolio Commitee

Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit draft National Drug Master Plan to Cabinet Seek approval to capacitate provinces on NDMP Submitted the NDMP to the Minister for tabling in Cabinet Awaiting Cabinet approval Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Capacitate 3 provinces to implement NDMP NDMP submitted to the Minister for tabling in parliament during the 1st quarter Portfolio Commitee

HIV AND AIDS Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Develop draft integrated action plan to respond to the social and structural drivers of HIV, TB and STIs   Develop draft action plan for consultation with stakeholders Draft Action Plan was Developed and circulated amongst internal Stakeholders as part of the consultation. No deviation Portfolio Commitee

HIV AND AIDS Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Develop draft integrated action plan to respond to the social and structural drivers of HIV, TB and STIs   Consult relevant stakeholders Draft Integrated Action was presented at a meeting with National and Provincial HIV & AIDS coordinators on the 06th December 2018. Plan will be aligned with provincial plans and inputs received in the meeting. No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Rights of Persons with disabilities Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit draft Policy on Social Development Services to Social Protection, Community and Human (SPCHD) cluster Consultations with key stakeholders As part of consultation the policy was circulated to the Deputy Minister & the Stakeholder Technical Team (comprised of national departments & disability sector) for input, in preparation for its presentation to EXCO & Technical Team, respectively. No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Rights of Persons with disabilities Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit draft Policy on Social Development Services to Social Protection, Community and Human Development (SPCH) cluster Consolidation of inputs from stakeholders into the Draft Policy Consolidated input of the Stakeholder Technical Team (comprised of national departments & disability sector) into the draft Policy. No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Rights of Persons with disabilities Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action National Strategic Framework on Disability Rights Awareness Campaigns submitted for Cabinet Approval Consolidate public comments into National Strategic Framework The draft National Strategic Framework on Disability Rights Awareness Campaigns were released for public comment. Need to deepen general public and disability sector participation Comments will be considered by 4 task teams (media; capacity building; disability awareness; education curricula) that will convene in Q4 to finalise the draft for routing via FOSAD to Cabinet in 2019/20 Portfolio Commitee

Rights of Persons with disabilities Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action National Strategic Framework on Disability Rights awareness campaigns submitted for Cabinet Approval Release draft National Strategic Framework for public comments The Working Document towards a National Strategic Framework on Disability rights Awareness Campaigns will be ready for release for public comments during the first week of October 2018 One week deviation Working document for public comment will be released beginning October. The final draft will be validated beginning of Q4 Portfolio Commitee

Rights of Persons with disabilities Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action One compliance report on implementation of the WPRPD; and one periodic report on the UNCRPD, submitted to Cabinet for approval Drafting of responses with the technical team and consultation with the stakeholders   One draft report currently being validated. SA’s response to UN List of issues. No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 One periodic report on the UNCRPD submitted for Cabinet approval Target not achieved Contributions were received late or not at all. The quality of reports are uneven. Report has been drafted. Report will be submitted in 4th quarter. Portfolio Commitee


Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery: Special Projects Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Develop phase IV of the Social Sector Plan through the EPWP Present draft of phase IV of the Social Sector Plan through the EPWP to various forums for input and recommendations EPWP Social Sector Phase 4 Draft Plan presented to 5 Forums for consultation. They include Early Childhood Development (ECD), Home Community Based Care (HCBC), Welfare Forum, Social Sector and Civilian Secretariat (SAPS). No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Present draft of phase IV of the Social Sector Plan through the EPWP to Cabinet for approval The draft plan was presented to Cabinet on 6 December 2018. The Cabinet Cluster Committee approved the proposals in principle, but recommended that the EPWP Phase 4 proposal should be revised to incorporate the inputs provided. Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery: Population and Development Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Produce 9 reports on the implementation of the White paper on Population Policy and ICPD PoA Adolescent Sexual Reproduction Health and Rights (ASRHR) Framework Strategy monitoring report Monitoring report on Adolescent Sexual Reproduction Health and Rights (ASRHR) Framework Strategy was produced No deviation Reproductive Justice concept paper Reproductive justice concept paper was produced Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Country report to BRICS Country report to BRICS produced Report for AU Africa Experts Committee Report for AU Africa Experts Committee produced Report for PPD Annual Conference and Board meeting Report for PPD Annual Conference and Board meeting produced Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Population and Development Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Finalise Draft Policy Paper on demographic youth dividend Consult stakeholders Stakeholders were not conducted The DPME is leading complimentary projects by ECA (led by Dept. of Women); Scenarios (led by the Population Unit); Population dynamics (led by DPME & StatsSA) among other key stakeholders. To sync the project, consultations will be conducted in the third quarter Produce draft policy paper Draft policy paper not produced Still conducting consultations with stakeholders in the 3rd quarter Draft policy paper to be produced in the fourth quarter Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery NPOs Compliance Monitoring and Funding Coordination Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate the implementation of the DSD Sector Funding Policy Consultations with relevant stakeholders to facilitate the implementation of the DSD Sector Funding Policy Consulted with Welfare Service Forum & NPO Funding Coordinators Forum. Presented the Policy at the Learning Event for information, education and awareness on the Sector Funding Policy imperatives. The Sector Funding Policy was presented to; HSDS Forum August 2018 - MINMEC September 2018 - CFO Forum September 2018. EPWP Social Sector National Extended Steering Committee in September 2018   No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery NPOs Compliance Monitoring and Funding Coordination Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate the implementation of the DSD Sector Funding Policy Consultations with relevant stakeholders to facilitate the implementation of the DSD Sector Funding Policy DSD Sector Funding Policy presented at the following forums and meetings: Gauteng MEC Task Team Co-Operatives and Public Benefit Organizations on 10 October 2018. Inception Meetings with external stakeholders towards planning the roll-out of DSD Sector Funding Policy held on 12 October 2018 and 06 November 2018. Meeting with NPO representatives on 01 November 2018. Consultative workshop with internal and external stakeholders 05 & 06 November 2018. DSD Sector Funding Policy submitted to EXCO on 11 December 2018 No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery NPOs Compliance Monitoring and Funding Coordination Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate the implementati on of the DSD-NPO Partnership Model Consultations with relevant stakeholders towards the national implementation of the DSD-NPO Partnership model facilitated As part of consultations, the DSD-NPO Partnership Model was presented at Joint Consultative session with Welfare Services Forum and NPO Funding Coordinators on Funding and NPOs Partnerships in August 2018. The Policy was also presented to the Sector Funding and NPO Partnerships and to EPWP Social Sector Forum Meeting for information and awareness No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery NPOs Compliance Monitoring and Funding Coordination Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate the implementati on of the DSD-NPO Partnership Model Consultations with relevant stakeholders towards the National implementation of the DSD-NPO Partnership Model facilitated Presented the DSD/NPO Partnership Model at the following forums/engagements: Gauteng MEC Task Team Co-Operatives and Public Benefit Organizations on 10 October 2018. Meeting with NPO representatives on 01 November 2018. Consultative session with internal and external stakeholders on 05-06 November 2018. DSD/NPO Partnership Model submitted to EXCO on 11 December 2018. No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery NPOs Compliance Monitoring and Funding Coordination Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit the NPO Bill to Cabinet Present the Bill to the Technical Working Committee Target not achieved Delays in incorporating SEIAS recommendations Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Present the Bill to the social cluster Target not Achieved The Bill was received from the State Attorneys at the end of the quarter and It will be presented to the Social Cluster. Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Social Mobilisation and Community Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate Implementation of the Community Development Practice Policy Facilitate establishment of provincial forums on the community Development Practice Policy Five Provincial Forums on Community Development Practice Policy were facilitated for establishment in EC, LP, GP, FS & KZN No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Facilitate the establishment of provincial forums on the Community Development Practice Policy Facilitated the establishment of three (3) provincial forums on the Community Development Practice Policy Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Social Mobilisation and Community Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate implementation of guidelines on community mobilisation and implementation Conduct workshops on the implementation of the guidelines in 3 provinces Conducted workshops in Limpopo, North West, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape on the implementation of the guidelines in provinces No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Workshops on the implementation of the guidelines were conducted in 4 provinces (Free State, Gauteng, KZN and Mpumalanga). Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Social Mobilisation and Community Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 & 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate the implementation of the Social Development Youth Policy Quarter 2 target: Conduct workshops in 3 provinces The Directorate changed the approach and held Roundtables discussion with all nine provinces to discuss both the policy and the strategy No deviation Quarter 3 target: Conduct workshops in 3 provinces Target achieved in the second quarter Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Social Mobilisation and Community Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate the implementation of the Social Development Youth Strategy Consult the internal units on the implementation plan Presented the Implementation plan to Internal Units for their inputs to strengthen the plan No deviation Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Workshop to train provinces on implementing Strategy The Directorate changed the approach and held Roundtables discussion with all nine provinces to discuss both the policy and the strategy Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Social Mobilisation and Community Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action 1 800 youth attending national youth camps Applicable in the third quarter Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 1800 youth attending national youth camps 2 575 youth attended youth camps   No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable livelihood and Food Security Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action 1000 cooperatives linked to economic opportunities 300 Cooperatives linked to economic opportunities   240 Cooperatives linked to economic opportunities The Implementation of National Treasury Classification Circular 21 impacted negatively on the support to cooperatives as it does not support their funding which then limited their capacity to provide services. Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable livelihood and Food Security Annual Target Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action 1000 cooperatives linked to economic opportunities 300 Cooperatives linked to economic opportunities 244 Cooperatives linked to economic opportunities through SASSA The Implementation of National Treasury Classification Circular 21 impacted negatively on the support to cooperatives as it does not support their funding which then limited their capacity to provide services. Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable livelihood and Food Security Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Develop a Developmental Model for CNDCs. Present draft model internally The Draft Developmental Model on CNDCs was presented to the Branch Community Development Forum. Consultation on the Draft Framework document was conducted in 3 provinces i.e.EC, GP, FS No deviation   Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Present draft model to Community Development Branch Forum and HSD The Draft Model could not be presented since provincial consultations were still in progress during the quarter. Provincial consultation could not be completed during the reporting period. Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable livelihood and Food Security Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Assess the implementation of the Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan Assessment of the implementation of the Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan in 5 provinces The implementation of the Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan has been assessed in 4 provinces The Free State province postponed the scheduled visit to the province to the next quarter Further assessments will be undertaken in the remaining provinces in the next quarter. Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Assessment of the implementation of the Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan in 4 provinces The implementation of the Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan was assessed in 4 provinces No deviation Portfolio Commitee

Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable livelihood and Food Security Annual Target Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action 415 000 vulnerable individuals accessing food through CNDCs Provide food to 103 750 vulnerable individuals through CNDC’s 215 207 vulnerable individuals accessed food through CNDCs in the 2nd quarter. During the school holidays when children are not in school they add to CNDC beneficiaries Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 of 2018/2019 Provide food to 103 750 vulnerable individuals through CNDCs 214 576 vulnerable individuals accessed food through CNDCs Portfolio Commitee

Summary of Expenditure Portfolio Commitee

ACTUAL EXPENDITURE – QUARTERS OF 2018/19 74.5% Spending 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2018 July-Sept 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Total Spending % Spent Savings   R’000  R’000 P1 :Administration 391 746 76 202 90 187 98 289 264 678 67.56% 127 068 P2: Social assistance 162 860 723 39 939 628 40 281 492 41 184 457 121 405 576 74.55% 41 455 147 P3: Social Security Policy And Administration 7 877 021 1 782 810 1 999 697 2 006 377 5 788 884 73.49% 2 088 137 P4: Welfare Services Policy Development And Implementation Support 1 300 440 224 302 376 570 286 892 887 764 68.27% 412 676 P5: Social Policy And Integrated Service Delivery 392 303 177 482 33 194 145 837 356 513 90.88% 35 790 TOTAL 172 822 233 42 200 425 42 781 140 43 721 851 128 703 416 74.47% 44 118 817 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

REASONS FOR LOW / HIGH SPENDING P1: Administration – 67% spending An amount of R30 million has been included for the “Turn Key Solution” signed with SITA for a 5-year period to the amount of R240 million. Since April 2018, SITA has experienced delays in the sourcing and appointment suitable service providers in the rendering of agreed services and equipment for implementation in the Department. However, cabling equipment for the LAN and desktop services has been delivered to the Department during third quarter and invoicing is awaited. P5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery – 90% spending An amount of R264 million allocated to the NDA and Food Relief for the 2018/19 financial year. 100% has been transferred to NDA and the Food Relief programme agents at the end of December 2018. No over expenditure is expected for the remainder of the financial year. 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME Economic Classification Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2018 July-Sept 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Total Spending % Spent Savings   R’000  R’000 Current Payments 886 750 160 878 190 868 222 808 574 554 64.79% 312 196 Compensation of Employees 490 351 112 260 123 376 126 796 362 431 73.91% 127 920 Goods and Services 396 399 48 618 67 493 96 012 212 122 53.51% 184 277 Transfers and Subsidies 171 924 403 42 037 280 42 585 820 43 498 875 128 121 976 74.52% 43 802 427 Provinces and municipalities 776 863 174 678 187 489 188 222 550 390 70.85% 226 474 Departmental agencies and accounts 7 965 456 1 890 520 1 983 996 2 071 594 5 946 110 74.65% 2 019 346 Higher education institutions 1 500 0.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 7 148 25 874 282 1 181 16.53% 5 967 Non-profit institutions 181 765 16 960 16 278 55 497 88 735 48.82% 93 030 Households 162 991 671 39 955 098 40 397 183 41 183 280 121 535 560 74.57% 41 456 111 Payments of Capital Assets 11 080 2 267 4 451 168 6 886 62.15% 4 194 Payments of Financial Assets TOTAL 172 822 233 42 200 425 42 781 140 43 721 851 128 703 416 74.47% 44 118 817 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

REASONS FOR LOW / HIGH SPENDING Goods and Services – 53% spending “Turn Key Solution” project regarding the overall departmental IT infrastructure upgrade which has been outsourced to SITA An amount of R30 million has been included for the “Turn Key Solution” signed with SITA for a 5-year period to the amount of R240 million. Since April 2018, SITA has experienced delays in the sourcing and appointment suitable service providers in the rendering of agreed services and equipment for implementation in the Department. However, cabling equipment for the LAN and desktop services has been delivered to the Department during third quarter and invoicing is awaited. 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS PER PROGRAMME FOR REPORTING PERIOD "Building a Caring Society. Together" 92 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

PROGRAMME 1: ADMIN 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P1 : ADMINISTRATION 67.6% Spent R’000 Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019

P1 : ADMINISTRATION Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 Programme Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2018 July-Sept 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Ministry 41 171 9 532 10 448 14 484 34 464 6 707 83.71% Departmental Management 70 719 16 436 18 013 16 656 51 106 19 613 72.27% Corporate Services 156 854 23 892 32 545 35 374 91 810 65 044 58.53% Finance 67 485 15 825 17 976 16 900 50 701 16 784 75.13% Internal Audit 15 272 3 197 3 203 3 122 9 522 5 750 62.35% Office Accommodation 40 245 7 319 8 003 11 753 27 076 13 169 67.28% TOTAL 391 746 76 202 90 187 98 289 264 678 127 068 67.56% Economic Classification Compensation of Employees 197 817 46 246 51 217 51 247 148 710 49 107 75.18% Goods and Services 184 118 26 798 33 202 46 813 106 812 77 306 58.01% Transfers and Subsidies 3 534 1 488 1 611 151 3 249 285 91.94% Payments of Capital Assets 6 277 1 670 4 158 79 5 907 370 94.11% Payments of Financial Assets   - Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P1 : ADMINISTRATION Corporate Services– 58% spending Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 P1 : ADMINISTRATION Corporate Services– 58% spending “Turn Key Solution” project regarding the overall departmental IT infrastructure upgrade which has been outsourced to SITA An amount of R30 million has been included for the “Turn Key Solution” signed with SITA for a 5-year period to the amount of R240 million. Since April 2018, SITA has experienced delays in the sourcing and appointment suitable service providers in the rendering of agreed services and equipment for implementation in the Department. However, cabling equipment for the LAN and desktop services has been delivered to the Department during third quarter and invoicing is awaited. Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

PROGRAMME 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P2 : SOCIAL ASSISTANCE 74,5% Spent R’000 Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 P2 : SOCIAL ASSISTANCE R’000 74,5% Spent 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P2 : SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 GRANT TYPE Adjusted Voted Actual   Apr – Jun 2018 July-Sept 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 OLD AGE 70 531 414 17 483 530 17 472 817 17 886 274 52 842 620 17 688 794 74.92% WAR VETERANS 2 351 714 626 574 1 914 437 81.43% DISABILITY 22 104 787 5 421 404 5 484 303 4 980 039 15 885 747 6 219 040 71.87% FOSTER CARE 5 131 589 1 303 809 1 335 814 1 365 039 4 004 662 1 126 927 78.04% CARE DEPENDENCY 3 138 438 750 330 762 745 770 950 2 284 025 854 413 72.78% CHILD SUPPORT 60 531 022 14 722 577 14 889 847 15 378 748 44 991 172 15 539 850 74.33% GRANT-IN-AID 1 011 122 223 316 257 794 660 573 1 141 683 -130 561 112.91% SOCIAL RELIEF OF DISTRESS 410 000 33 946 77 546 142 260 253 753 156 247 61.89% TOTAL 162 860 723 39 939 628 40 281 492 41 184 457 121 405 576 41 455 147 74.55% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee


P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION R’000 73,5% Spent 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2018 July-Sept 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Social Security Policy Development 72 003 8 340 8 228 9 042 25 610 46 393 35.57% Appeals Adjudication 37 302 5 068 6 913 6 280 18 261 19 041 48.95% Social Grants Administration 7 697 630 1 752 662 1 967 685 1 974 251 5 694 598 2 003 032 73.98% Social Grants Fraud Investigation 65 248 16 311 16 312 48 934 16 314 75.00% Programme Management 4 838 430 560 491 1 481 3 357 30.61% TOTAL 7 877 021 1 782 810 1 999 697 2 006 377 5 788 884 2 088 137 73.49% Economic Classification Current Payments 106 644 13 514 15 697 15 714 44 925 61 719 42.13% Compensation of Employees 68 200 11 502 12 505 12 681 36 688 31 512 53.80% Goods and Services 38 444 2 013 3 191 3 033 8 237 30 207 21.43% Transfers and Subsidies 7 768 947 1 768 973 1 984 000 1 990 650 5 743 622 2 025 325 73.93% Departmental agencies and accounts 7 762 878 1 983 996 1 990 563 5 743 532 2 019 346 73.99% Higher education institutions 1 500 -   0.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 4 299 87 4 212 2.02% Households 270 4 266 1.37% Payments of Capital Assets 1 430 323 13 336 1094 23.51% Payments for Financial assets Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Social Security Policy Development – 35% spending The low spending mainly relate to delays submission of the Social Assistance Amendment Bill to Cabinet relating to the inclusion of the provisions on the Inspectorate in the Amendment Bill. Appeals Tribunal – 48% spending The low spending mainly relate to delays submission of the Social Assistance Amendment Bill to Cabinet, decrease in Litigious Appeals as a result of the Tribunal being able to adjudicate appeals within the 90 day period and also SASSA informing persons not to appeal, but to rather wait for 3 months and then re-apply for a grant. Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee



P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2018 July-Sept 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Service Standards 31 120 3 850 3 279 5 488 12 617 18 503 40.54% Substance Abuse 109 121 12 105 13 117 16 321 41 543 67 578 38.07% Older Persons 20 285 2 197 1 871 7 881 11 950 8 335 58.91% People with Disabilities 29 959 4 935 5 249 6 786 16 970 12 989 56.64% Children 573 455 131 517 150 099 148 566 430 182 143 273 75.02% Families 9 765 1 802 1 768 2 183 5 754 4 011 58.92% Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment 63 682 10 541 16 495 17 241 44 277 19 405 69.53% Youth 14 406 1 260 1 807 4 069 7 136 7 270 49.53% HIV and AIDS 121 443 5 912 6 482 27 981 40 375 81 068 33.25% Social Worker Scholarships 323 028 49 196 175 396 273 787 49 241 84.76% Programme Management 4 176 987 1 006 1 180 3 173 1 003 75.99% TOTAL 1 300 440 224 302 376 570 286 892 887 764 412 676 68.27% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Conditional Grant progress Substance abuse operational – 34% spending R89,280 million allocated R 30,989 million transferred Social Workers Absorption – 75% spending R196.7 million allocated R147.5 million transferred ECD – 75% spending R490,8 million allocation R371.8 million transferred 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Service Standards – 40% spending The low spending relate to the National Consultative workshops and International Social Worker’s Day scheduled during the 4rd quarter of the financial year Substance Abuse – 38% spending The low spending relate mainly to the Conditional Grants transfer payment to province which the payment is done in line with the framework and payment schedule that will flow in January 2019 Older Person – 58% spending The low spending relate mainly to lesser delegates attending the Active Ageing Programme and co-ordinators forum scheduled during the 4rd quarter of the financial year 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION People with Disabilities – 56% spending The low spending relate to the Children’s Parliament activities scheduled during the 3rd quarter of the financial year, and delays with the selection processes for national bodies transfer payments Families – 58% spending The low spending relate mainly to the with the selection processes for national bodies transfer payments 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Youth – 49% spending The low spending relate to lesser delegates participation during the “Youth Camps” during the 3rd Quarter of the financial year HIV & AIDS – 33% spending The low spending relate mainly to the transfer payment for HIV and Aids organisations which is scheduled for release during the 4th quarter of the financial year 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Economic Classification Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2018 July-Sept 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Current Payments 271 415 48 550 58 667 74 431 181 649 89 766 66.93% Compensation of Employees 144 035 34 698 37 944 40 445 113 087 30 948 78.51% Goods and Services 127 380 13 852 20 723 33 986 68 562 58 818 53.82% Transfers and Subsidies 1 026 464 175 621 317 629 212 385 705 635 320 829 68.74% Provinces and municipalities 776 863 174 678 187 489 188 222 550 390 226 474 70.85% Foreign governments and international organisations 797 25 - 772 3.14% Non-profit institutions 121 822 775 3 861 24 156 28 792 93 030 23.63% Households 126 982 143 126 278 7 126 429 553 99.56% Payments of Capital Assets 2 561 131 273 76 480 2 081 18.75% Payments for Financial assets   TOTAL 1 300 440 224 302 376 570 286 892 887 764 412 676 68.27% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Goods and Services – 53% spending The low spending relate mainly to the Active Ageing Programme, Annual Youth Camps, Children’s Parliament, Human trafficking, Candle light day, World Aids day celebrations scheduled during the 3rd and 4th quarter of the financial year Transfers and subsidies – 68 % spending National bodies transfer payments (Second payments) scheduled in the 4th quarter of the financial year. SANAC (R30 million) and HIV and Aids organisations (R62 million) is scheduled for release in the 4th quarter of the financial year. NT didn’t support the redirecting of funding to other prevention programmes and therefore DSD can only transfer funding in the 4th quarter of the financial year. 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee


P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY R’000 90.8% Spent 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY SUB PROGRAMMES Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2018 July-Sept 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Social Policy Research and Development 5 910 1 894 1 345 1 488 4 726 1 184 79.97% Special Projects and Innovation 10 995 1 598 1 659 1 705 4 962 6 033 45.13% Population Policy Promotion 34 531 7 216 10 376 8 215 25 806 8 725 74.73% Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organization 37 472 7 504 8 932 10 110 26 546 10 926 70.84% Substance Abuse Advisory Services and Oversight 6 205 894 1 338 1 472 3 704 2 501 59.70% Community Development 91 153 35 985 8 597 40 682 85 264 5 889 93.54% National Development Agency 202 578 121 547 - 81 031 100.00% Programme Management 3 459 845 947 1 133 2 926 533 84.58% TOTAL 392 303 177 482 33 194 145 837 356 513 35 790 90.88% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Major transfer payments NDA – 100% transferred R202 million allocated R202 million transferred National Food Programme – 100% spending R59,9 million allocated R59,9 million paid 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Community Development – 93% spending The high spending relate to the transfer payment for the Food Relief Programme Special Projects – 45% spending The low spending relate to the EPWP Social Sector Conference scheduled during the last quarter of the financial year Substance Abuse Advisory Services – 59% spending The low spending relate to the printing of the CDA annual and symposium scheduled during the last quarter of the financial year 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Portfolio Committee 11 July 2019 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Economic Classification Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2018 July-Sept 2018 Oct-Dec 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Current Payments 126 756 25 769 32 085 34 604 92 458 34 298 72.94% Compensation of Employees 80 299 19 814 21 709 22 423 63 946 16 353 79.63% Goods and Services 46 457 5 955 10 376 12 181 28 512 17 945 61.37% Transfers and Subsidies 264 735 151 571 1 090 111 233 263 893 842 99.68% Departmental agencies and accounts 202 578 121 547 - 81 031 100.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 2 052 874 195 1 070 982 52.12% Non-profit institutions 59 943 16 185 12 417 31 341 Households 162 13 839 -12 202 -1 335 302 -140 186.71% Payments of Capital Assets 812 143 20 650 19.97% Payments for Financial assets   TOTAL 392 303 177 482 33 194 145 837 356 513 35 790 90.88% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Goods and Services – 62% spending The low spending relate to the lesser numbers attending outreach programmes, NPO roadshows and the payment of the NPO audit scheduled in tranches per quarter 11 July 2019 Portfolio Committee

THANK YOU Portfolio Commitee