Building groupings based on culture density, diversity, and drug resistance phenotypes. Building groupings based on culture density, diversity, and drug resistance phenotypes. (a) Mean triclosan concentrations (error bars ± 2 SEM) per building level, with colors as in Fig. 1d. Median and quartiles are shown for a large significant cluster of similar buildings (identified in panels b and c). (b) Colony-forming unit (CFU) densities g−1 dust and the fractions of CFUs resistant to clarithromycin, ampicillin, and tetracycline. (c) Cluster dendrogram showing Gower dissimilarities between buildings based on features of their culturable communities. Blocks mark clusters with significant support (P < 0.01), based on 104 multiscale bootstrap resamples (45) of normalized feature values. The only cluster with significant support that consisted of more than three buildings is marked by a thick blue block and a colored star. Ashkaan K. Fahimipour et al. mSystems 2018; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00200-18