Lesson 4 Appease, Argot, Augment, Bigot, Candid, Chaos, Despondent, Expunge, Jingoism, Negligence, Privation, Protocol, Redress, Strident, Toilsome
Appease V. to calm; to make satisfied (often only temporarily) SYN: mollify ANT: aggravate
Argot N. special words or phrases used by a specific group of people SYN: jargon
Augment V. to enlarge; to increase in amount or intensity SYN: expand; supplement ANT: narrow; reduce
Bigot N. one who is intolerant of differences in others SYN: racist; extremist
Candid Adj. honest and straightforward; blunt SYN: frank; direct ANT: evasive
Chaos N. complete disorder SYN: confusion; jumble ANT: order; harmony
Despondent Adj. feeling gloomy or hopeless SYN: dejected; dismal ANT: joyful; buoyant
Expunge V. to erase or eliminate SYN: obliterate ANT: add
Jingoism N. extreme, chauvinistic patriotism, often favoring an aggressive, warlike foreign policy
Negligence N. careless neglect, often resulting in injury SYN: carelessness ANT: care; attention
Privation N. lack of basic life necessities; extreme poverty SYN: impoverishment; penury ANT: wealth; luxury
Protocol N. the formal of official way of correctly doing something SYN: custom; code
Redress V. to make right; to correct SYN: rectify; amend ANT: exacerbate; worsen
Strident Adj. harsh sounding; grating SYN: shrill ANT: soothing
Toilsome Adj. requiring exhaustive effort; laborious SYN: grueling; arduous ANT: easy; effortless