Workplace Assessment (WPA) 2019 25 February – 13 March 2019
What is a WPA? WPA is an abbreviation for Workplace Assessment. A WPA is a tool for working preventively and systematically with the physical as well as the psychological work environment by exploring the employees’ experiences and observations through a questionnaire survey. The purpose of the WPA is to look into the following: Are there any challenges regarding the work environment, and where? Are there any factors that might have an impact on the work-related absence? How can these be solved, and who is responsible for the solution? When to follow up? It is a legal requirement that a WPA is carried out every three years.
Facts about WPA at AU The WPA includes questions about the physical work environment, the psychological work environment and work-related absence. The psychological part of the WPA is 100 per cent anonymous. This is ensured by using anonymity limits, meaning that results will only appear in the report if a certain number of employees have answered the question. No one at AU has access to the individual answers from the psychological WPA-survey. The physical part of the WPA is not anonymous as this part requires follow-up in relation to specific problems regarding the physical work environment (draught, noise etc.) The questionnaire includes a number of questions that apply to everyone at AU as well as a number of faculty- and administration-specific questions which the local occupational health and safety committees and liaison committees have prepared.
Follow-up Reports will be published on the website in week 15 (April 2019). After this, local follow- up and dialogue meetings will begin. Managers, the occupational health and safety committees and the liaison committees are responsible for following up on the WPA survey. The purpose of the dialogue meetings is to give employees and managers an opportunity to discuss the results and together prioritise the initiatives which makes sense to work on. Initiatives must be documented in written WPA action plans which must be available to all managers, employees and the Danish Working Environment Authority. 06-12-201821-11-2018
your answer is important! The WPA is about your well-being at work. By completing the questionnaire, you will help draw attention to specific areas that need to be worked on locally. In order to create the best possible starting point for dialogue and local follow-up, it is important that as many people as possible complete the survey. By completing the WPA survey, you will help create the best possible framework for a good workplace. 06-12-201821-11-2018
Additional information Read more about: WPA at AU The occupational health and safety organisation Liaison committees International Academic Staff 06-12-201821-11-2018